Second Meeting

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I was standing on the top of this viewpoint so I could see the whole city from above. There were like 5 floors and it was really high. I looked through binoculars to see it all a little bit better. It was beautiful. This made me feel really happy. I imagined that I was a bird and flying over this beautiful city seeing all those people as small as ants. I woke up from my daydream because Lizzy was tapping me on the shoulder. "Urm Em, someone is looking at you from the third floor. I think you know who it is."
I looked down and saw his bright blue eyes looking upwards, it was Zac. I almost got a heart attack and took a step back so he couldn't see me anymore.
"Em, are you alright?"
"Uhm yeah I'm fine thanks. I'm going to the toilet, don't worry, see you downstairs."
I was really glad to see him again but also shocked because I wasn't expecting to see him again. I was walking downstairs to the toilet and on my way down Zac suddenly walked next to me. "Hey there. Do you remember me?"
I wasn't watching, just walked ahead.
"Yeah ofcourse I do, it was only yesterday, silly."
"Yeah I know, just didn't know what to say. So uhmmm. It was really nice yesterday, right"
"It sure was, I loved it, shame it was so short."
"I know right. Soooooww. I thought maybe we can hang out sometime again. But we didn't exchange phone numbers yesterday. Can we maybe do that now?" He said with a little nervous voice.
"Uhm sure. Give me your phone, I will put my number in it."
We stopped walking and I got his phone. I put it in it and gave it back. Still didn't look at him. He looked at me all the time. We started walking further downstairs when I almost fell. He grabbed my waist so I didn't fall further. When I was standing again and he was still holding my waist, he realised that he was holding it and quickly pulled his hands off of me. I finally looked at him. He looked like he had done the weirdest thing in the world and was embarrased. I actually had to laugh so I said with a weird voice "Thanks for saving me. Now you can look normal again."
He still didn't look really normal but better than just.
"I-I'm sorry about that"
I laughed. "Don't be. It was cute"
He didn't respond but his face told me he really liked that I said that.
"So why are you here on your own, Zac? Aren't your friends with you?" I asked.
"Well. I'm here on my own cause my friends are not here. I'm on vacation on my own. And I saw you three going here so I actually followed you to see if I could join"
"Oh okay. Why are you on vacation on your own?"
"I just like to be alone sometimes. Be free, do anything I want, live another life and forget about what's there."
We were finally downstairs and I wasn't going to the toilet anymore.
"Shall we go to the fountain?"
"Sure" He said. We sat down on the edge and began talking a little. I told him about Jenna, Lizzy and me being friends since always. He told me that he lives in New York. I was kinda shocked cause that's where I live too! And now we are both in Los Angeles! I can't believe that we met here! He told me a bit about his family. He has a younger sister named Angel. He showed me a picture of her, beautiful little girl of 9 years old. He has a dog, called Storm. I only listened and already forgot about Jenna and Lizzy waiting for me. I interrupted him.
"OMG ZAC! I told Jenna and Lizzy to wait for me downstairs, but I totally forgot! Omg I have to go there, come with me!" I grabbed his hand and pulled him with me. Jenna and Lizzy were just sitting and drinking something. "Hey Em, there you are, we didn't want to disturb you two so we were just having a drink. Come sit with us"
We sat down. I saw Zac looking at his hand with a beautiful smile and he stroked it with his other hand. Really cute. I smiled and just talked with the girls.

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