Just the two of us

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Zac came out of the car and greeted us. He opened the door for me and let me get in the car. Then he went to his side and got in. The girls were already gone. When he sat he looked at me and said "Has anyone already told you you look beautiful?"
I blushed and smiled after which he also began to smile with really cute cheeks. We started driving to his hotel and there was a silence. In order to disturb the silence I asked whose car this was. He said that it was a rental car he rented for the holidays. Luckily it wasn't a really long drive. We got out and walked to his room. For me it was pretty weird to know that I'll be in his room, cause I've never been in a room with only me and a boy. He opened the door and let me in. "After you" he said. "Woah, you have a really good room here! Look at the view, it's beautiful!" And I walked to the balkony. He showed me the bathroom and the kitchen. "I'm not gonna show you my bedroom cause it's too messy" He said with a laugh.
"I don't believe so, it's so tidy here"
I pushed him aside and opened the door to his bedroom. The first thing I saw were Boxer Shorts and I started to laugh. I pointed to it and looked at him. "So you wouldn't show me that?"
"Hahaha come on Emily, shut the door" He picked me up and lifted me into the living room. We sat down on the couch. "I want to surprise you with my food. Don't come in the kitchen. I'll be right back"
So I sat on the couch a little uncomfortable. Sometimes I looked back. I was curious so I tried to walk to him secretly. When I could look around the corner he jumped in front of me.
"You sneaky girl, why don't you just listen to me?"
He said defiantly. I started to scream and laugh and he grabbed me. I untied me and run away. He ran after me, I circled around the table. He tried to grab me by overlie the table, but I jumped behind and ran to him. He was still lying over the table and I put my arms around him so my body was lying on his back.
"You surrender?" I asked and giggled. "Yes, please let me go, you're so strong, I can't release me!" He yelled with a dramatic voice. I let go of him and jumped on the couch. He jumped next to me and started to tickle me.
"Stop it! Stooppp!!" I yelled while trying to push his arms away. I was laughing as a seal and could hardly breath anymore. He stopped and smiled. "Who is stronger?" He said and stuck his tongue out to me defiantly.
"Finish our food you!" I said. He left, acting disappointed. I laughed and waited for him to come again. Suddenly there were hand over my eyes.
"Dinner is ready, I'll lead you to the table." And he led me there. He put me on a chair and took his hands off of my eyes. It was dark and a candle was on the table. He made it really romantic. The table was in front of the window so the view was amazing from here. He poured in some red wine and bragged some food for both of us. He made lasagne, my favourite food but how did he know? I took a bite and it was delicious!
"You're a great cook Zac!"
"Oh thanks, you're a great girl Emily"
I blushed and took another bite. We had a good conversation about home.  When we were both done eating he cleaned the table. We ate an ice scream and then went to the couch. We sat next to each other but there was a space between us and I didn't want that but I also didn't dare to get closer.
"So uhmm. Do you want to watch a movie?" He asked.
"Yeah that's fine"
He asked me what movie I wanted to see but I didn't care so we watched Ted. I had to pee but I found it so awkward to stand up suddenly.
"Yeah girlll?"
"I have to pee"
"Very interesting. Do you need help?" He said with a teasing voice and stuck his tongue out.
"No weirdo, just so you're not shocked when I suddenly stand up"
"That's okay. But be quick, there's a shark who will attack you when it takes too long."
"Ha ha haaa.."  And I walked to the toilet. When I came back Zac lay on the couch pretending to be asleep. I walked over to him and sat down on his muscular stomach.
"Hey cutie, I'm back. The shark didn't eat me, I'm hereee" I whispered. I felt his arm going around me. He laid me down against him on the couch. His head came up a bit and  he whispered in my ear "There was no shark, just wanted you to be back soon" His muscular arm was around me and I hold it with my hands. I kissed it and closed my eyes. His breath in my ears made me calm. The movie was finished and you could hear the clock ticking. I almost fell asleep but I knew I had to stay awake. I couldn't sleep here.
"Zac, maybe I have to go back to my own room"
He came up and hold me with both arms.
"I don't want you to go. Can't you just sleep here, in my bed? I'll sleep on the couch."
"But I didn't bring anything here. I have no pyjamas or a toothbrush"
"You can just wear my shirt and joggers. And I have an extra toothbrush so that's no problem"
It made me quite uncomfortable.
"Uhm well yeah, okay than. But I have to let Liz and Jen know"
"Sure, call them" He said and smiled. I called Jenna and she said "Don't do things you don't want, see you tomorrow, have fun."
I dressed in his shirt and jogger and his shirt smelled amazingly, like him. After we brushed our teeth he lay me down in his bed and said "Goodnight, sweetdreams. Call me when something is wrong. I'm on the couch."
I kissed him on his cheek.
"Thanks, you're sweet, goodnight"
And the door closed.

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