Arguing with Mom

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Mom was in the kitchen, already preparing dinner for tonight. Dad was gone, Mom told he had to help his friend in the hotel. He works there but today he was actually free so I was surprised he'd gone there. I walked in and greeted Mom, she said hii but didn't turn around to see us. Zac went to the toilet and then Mom came over to me and said quietly, almost whispered "Can I talk to you alone?"
"Uhm yeah, sure." I said with an asking sound in my voice. Zac came back and I said he could go to my room already and I would come in a minute. He looked at me quizzically but I didn't know either so I raised my eyebrows and made my 'I have no idea' gesture. He asked quietly if everything was okay so I said yes, eventhough I didn't know what was coming. He went upstairs now. Mom and I sat down on the chairs. Mom looked at me with this serious look which I really just don't like.
"So what's it, Mom?"
"I just want to talk to you"
"What exactly do you want to talk about?"
"About this whole situation Emily, it's all a bit weird to me."
~O gosh. She mentioned my whole name. That means nothing good.~
I didn't like the tone in which she spoke but I thought it would be the best to stay calm.
"I understand it's weird, to me it's also not all that normal"
"Emily, I just want to warn you. You only know him for a couple of days and only from vacation and he's some sort of rich teenage idol who can do whatever he wants and also he is already 26 while you are 21."
"Mom, it doesn't feel like I've only known him for these days. It feels like I already know him for my whole life. He made me feel good from the first moment and I trust him and I feel I can tell him everything, Mom. And also I'm almost 22, this is my choice Mom and you have to stop worrying and always be scared. Let me feel this happiness."
I was already angry, because I thought she'd finally not warn me for everything again cause she didn't do that yesterday, but now she still does. I tried to stay calm.
"I am not scared, I just want to protect you. And I think this is all going too fast, that he's come with you and slept here tonight. I don't know about it Emily. I think you should just get to know him better first and be friends and see where it ends."
Now I got real angry.
"No! I don't want you to decide all my choices and make my life, that's my job! It's my life and my choice and I feel this is a good one! Stop worrying so much, I know that you don't want to lose another kid but you gotta let me go someday and I'm grown up now so let me PLEASE live my life!"
My voice was getting louder and louder.
"EMILY" I don't want you to scream at me like that! I am still your mother and you have to listen to me!"
I saw Zac's head appear around the corner by the stairs. He watched worried and I looked angry, also at him. (Which was not my intention)
"I'm not listening to you now!"
Tears filled my eyes but I tried not to cry. I walked over to Zac and grabbed his hand. I left the house and took him with me, I closed the door hard. Mom was standing in front of the window with her arms crossed, looking angry and thinking I wouldn't leave. Well, she was wrong! I let go of Zac's hand and ran as fast as I could. Zac came after me, yelling my name. I was so angry! My mother treated me as a kid of 15! I've had such fights with my parents when I was a teenager but I thought it was over now I'm grown up. Apparently not... Then I arrived at the place where I was running to. The lake with the landscape around it. I sat on the high grass. I grabbed my knees with my hands and put my head between them. I cried, then I felt his arms around me. His arms made everything feel so much better again. He took me in his arms and pressed my head against his chest. He let me cry and watched at me while stroking my hair.
"It's all gonna be fine, sweetheart"
I just cried and let him comfort me. When I could breath normal again, we layed down in the high grass. The sky was still blue but you could already see it was getting darker. He pressed me tight against him and didn't let me go. He wanted to protect me now and I did accept his way of protecting me, cause it was just way better than all other ways of protecting.

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