Music and love

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We walked further with his hands over my eyes. I tried to watch but his hands were so big I couldn't see anything between it.
"Are we there yet?"
"Almost babe, be patient"
"I wanna know what it is"
"You will see it in a minute"
We walked somewhere downstairs, he turned me around and opened a sliding door. Then he said I could watch, I turned around and looked through the door. I saw a beautiful grand piano in the room, I took one more step forwards so I could see the whole room. It was beautiful, it was a music room. Only music instruments and on the walls there were Music Notes. I loved it so, I've always wanted a music room when I was younger but my parents never wanted to work on it with me. I sound like some little girl, but when I saw this, the walls full of instruments and Music Notes and the room filled with all different sort of instruments, I just got tears in my eyes. I was only standing there in the doorway.
"And, what do you think of it?"
He was standing behind me with his hands on my hips and his head on my shoulder.
"I know you love music, you're just too shy to let it show" He said. "Do you wanna sing with me now?"
"Yes, yes baby, I want to sing with you. I love it so much"
I turned around and looked in his eyes. He wiped my tears away.
"I can't wait to hear you sing"
I giggled between my tears. I walked further and sat down at the piano. I looked at all the keys and closed my eyes while laying my hands on it. I started to play, a song which my mother taught me. She is a really good musician, she is a music teacher. My hands just flew over the keys and I got really into it. It was so long ago since I really played, it felt wonderful. I got this big smile on my face and felt one with the piano. It made me feel like the good times with my brother again. I didn't play after my brother died... It was something we did together and it hurted me too much. My Mom always wanted me to play again, but I just couldn't, I wasn't ready, ever. Zac made me ready, he made me do everything what's really important to me and he made me so happy. When I finished I got tears in my eyes. Zac had sat down next to me and his eyes were filled with tears too, and he had this smile on his face which made him look so adorable.
"You play so beautiful, Em"
He said with a broken voice. I laughed proud through my tears. "Thanks for making me do this"
Then he kissed me. A long kiss, we looked at each other and saw the tears and pride and we closed our eyes again. Than Zac played a song and we sang together. It was this song 'Beautiful' by Christina Aguilera. We sang together but suddenly Zac stopped singing and looked at me. I quickly stopped too, didn't want to hear only my voice.
"Please, keep singing Em. It's beautiful"
He started to sing the next sentence and I sang with him, then he stopped again and I sang the rest of the song alone. Zac looked at my mouth and sometimes closed his eyes. When the song finished he showed me his arms.
"Look, I got goose bumps. You sing like an angel, your voice is like a nightingale. Damn baby, why are you so insecure? You have so much talent woah"
I blushed and didn't know where to look.
"Just believe me, you're really good"
I looked at him and smiled. It was so beautiful, we made music together the whole evening. He played the guitar, I also played the guitar. He played drums, I did not, but he tried to teach me some rythms. We had a lot of fun and we laughed so much. It was a romantic night, one of which I've always imagined to happen, but never thought it could ever really happen to me. It ended up in bed, taking of our clothes like drunk idiots, stumbling while the pants don't go out and than laugh at each other. Looking at each other the whole time while taking it off and slowly coming closer when we were naked and inspected each other extensively. First we stood there in his room for a long time, kissing and dancing. But then he started to stroke my back and kiss my neck and breast. It was too much to keep standing there so we got in bed and went through there. He was on the top and he was sweating and panting, making his moves on me, making me feel so good. I hold his ass and kissed his chest. I gave him a hickey and he licked my lips. This time was better than ever before, again. We both dared more and did more, which felt even better than the things we did the other times. It was like this wonderful night you can't imagine yourself. It's better than all imagines you can make. The rest of the night we cuddled until we fell asleep, still naked, he on his back, his one arm above the pillows and his second arm around my waist. Me on my belly, my head on his chest and my one leg over his, the other just straight back. Both of my arms around his neck. Falling asleep like this is the best thing in life, that's one thing I can guarantee.

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