Roller Coaster day!

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"Hey Em, goodmorning! How are you, how was it? How was Zac?"
"Haha Jen he's next to me right now"
Zac said hii in the phone.
"Oh woah, sounds good, just awake?"
"Yeah, not so long. Had a good night. What about you?"
"We slept early, but hey you have to come to us, we're going to an amusement park today!"
Zac looked at me with a really cute face, he made a sign that he wanted me to hang up and put his arms all around me. I giggled and whispered.
"Stop it Zac!"
He smiled, with this amazing smile which gives me the best feelings in the world.
"Sounds cool Jen! Wait I'll ask Zac"
I looked at him. "Hey Zachary, are you tough enough to go on roller coasters?"
"Oh baby, I'm tough enough to climb a roller coaster, you know that" And he looked at me with a tough look. I laughed.
"Jen, yeah he wants to come too. What time should we be there?"
"10 am, is that possible?"
"Sure, we'll see you!"
"See you"
We hung up. Zac looked mischievously at me. "Finally, so where were we?"
I laughed and kissed him.
"Zac, we need to get ready, we only have ninety minutes."
"Oh yeah" He made a sad face. "Uhmm. You wanna take a shower?"
"Yup. But I didn't bring clean clothes. Can I wear one of your shirts?"
"Ofcourse you can, cutie"
I chose one of his shirts and took a shower. Then dressed me and when I came back in the living room he was already dressed.
"Even in men's shirts you look gorgeous. I'm so lucky"
I took his hand and we made breakfast. Luckily I always had my hairbrush with me in my bag. I made a ponytail. When we were finally ready we drove to Jenna and Lizzy. Zac drove so sexy.
"Zac, I'm happy that I met you, thanks for making me feel like this. I'm the luckiest person on earth" I had to say that. He smiled and drove further. "I'm sorry that I am so shy sometimes..."
"Hey that's okay! I don't mind. I like it, it's cute" He said.
When we arrived he kissed me immediately.
"I love you, Emily Rose"
~Omg he called me by my surname!~
"I love you more Zachary David Alexander Efron"
We got out of the car and walked to the lobby, Jenna and Lizzy were already waiting for us.
"Hey guys! We gotta go now or we won't have enough time for all roller coasters!" Lizzy yelled. She loves those exciting things. We took a cab and talked a lot in the car. Lizzy was extremely nervous and searched some pictures of the roller coasters on her phone. Zac lay his hand on my leg. I looked at him and we both smiled.
"So how old are you Zac?" Jenna asked.
I looked at her with big eyes and my mouth open. I formed with my lips the word "why?" But Zac didn't mind.
"I'm 26 now, turning 27 in October, October 18th."
"Okay, so there's like 5 years between. Cause Em is 21 but turns 22 on August 7th and it's June right now."
"You calculated that well, yes" I said irritated. Zac looked at me and raised his eyebrows. Then he made some kind of duckface so I couldn't keep a serious look. I started laughing and hit his arm.
"Don't get too tough you little girl, you know that I'm stronger."
I giggled. Jenna pretended she looked out of the window but I saw her watching from the corner of her eye and laughing about what me and Zac were doing. We took some car selfies and we finally arrived. We thanked and paid the taxi-driver and walked towards the entrance. The queue was so long! You would probably still have to stand in the queue for an hour! Luckily we already got the tickets and only have to let them check. The queue for that was much shorter. Zac had his arm around my waist and I had mine on his. Lizzy was jumping and running as a little kid and Jenna tried to make her calm. We just waited and when we finally got in Lizzy freaked out.
She grabbed Jenna's wrist and ran. We laughed and Jenna almost fell.
"Lizzy! Come back! Let's first create a route!" I yelled. She ran back and Jenna ran after her.
"Hmm yeah. Maybe that's a good idea, Em."
We grabbed a map and figured out how we could walk the best so we can get in every roller coaster. After 5 minutes we started walking.
"Come on guys, why so slooow?" Lizzy said.
"Lizz, easy girl. It's all gonna be fineeee" Jenna replied. When we arrived at the first roller coaster the queue wasn't really long. We only had to wait for 20 minutes and then we got in. I sat next to Zac, Lizzy and Jenna were behind us.
"You're nervous huhh? I can see you are!" I said to Zac.
"I am nervous? I believe you're the only one who is nervous. You have to see your face" He said.
"Your face is like a scared puppy" I said to him. He raised his eyebrows. "We'll see, we'll see"
The roller coaster finally started.
At first it went really slow, but suddenly we were shot with an extreme hard velocity. I screamed and looked beside me. There was Zac with big eyes and his mouth wide open. I laughed and grabbed his arm. He looked at me and laughed hard. Then there was a curve and I screamed again, Zac laughed at me. When it was finished I saw Zac laughing so hard that tears rolled down his cheeks. Many people who were waiting were watching him and pointing at him, but he didn't mind. He pinched my cheeks. "Who was the most nervous again?" He gave me a short kiss and got out.

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