He took me to...

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We lay there for a while and then Zac suggested to walk a bit. We stood up, he looked at me and wiped my tears away. He gave me a smile on my face again, even on this moment he could do that to me. This moment when I have so many bad feelings in my body. I'm angry and sad and also scared, scared for my relation with Mom, scared about what she would do when I stay with Zac. Cause I am! I am staying with Zac! Zac took my hand and we walked.
"Do you want to tell me what happened?" He asked.
I wanted to tell him, actually he was the only one I wanted to talk to right now.
"Yeah" I took a deep breath.
"Mum thinks it'a not good for me to be with you. She thinks I have to get to know you better first and that you're too old. She always thinks she is right with everything, but she is not! I know what's right right now, and I want to be with you."
We just walked further while talking. The sky became cloudier.
"But Em, I don't understand. She asked to meet my parents, this morning!"
"I know! I don't understand either. I thought she wouldn't warn me anymore cause she didn't yesterday or this morning or so. I don't know where this suddenly came from..."
"I don't know either. I get it that they are scared but I just don't understand they don't realise you are old enough yourself now..."
It was quiet for a while. Then he took both of my hands. I looked at him.
"Emily, you have to know that I'm really proud of you"
I looked at the ground and smiled proudly.
You won't believe it and it sounds like a movie, but I felt splashes. It started raining and we didn't have a jacket with us. Suddenly the rain was pouring from the sky.
"Fuck" Zac looked at me, first I looked like 'ew' but then I laughed, this was not that bad. When he saw that I smiled he started smiling too. He took my hand and started running, we were somewhere in the middle of the landscape around the lake so we couldn't just get a cab. We ran while laughing and screaming, it seemed like no one was outside. He lifted me up and turned circles while holding me in the sky. He let me down and I put my legs around his waist and my arms around his neck. His head was at the height of my neck, he started kissing me there. He laid me down in the wet, high grass and got on top of me. My breathing was getting heavier.
"Zac, not here" I said while breathing.
He looked at me.
"Can we go somewhere?" I asked. He put me on his back and started walking further to the street. He raised his hand there, along the road and we took a cab. I didn't know where we were going. The taxi driver wasn't happy because we were wet, but we didn't mind. It was about half an hour driving, but it felt so much longer. I just wanted Zac so badly, I didn't want to wait. I just wanted to do it right now. We finally arrived where we were going. It was a house with a fence and a long driveway. It was his house where he took me. He opened the fence and I ran on his driveway, the fence closed itself again. Zac ran after me and was faster so he already arrived at the door. He opened it and I ran in as fast as I could. I was impressed how huge and beautiful his house was. I was in love with it. But then Zac catched me from the back and walked upstairs to his room with me.
"Finally we arrived! I already wanted to pull off all of your clothes the whole ride" He was breathing heavily already.
I giggled. I jumped in his arms and he took me upstairs, he opened the door and walked to his bed with me in his arms. He lay down on his back so I was on top of him.
"You are so beautiful" He whispered.
"I can't handle you" I whispered back.
He smiled mischievously and started to take my clothes off slowly. He was contstantly looking at me, at my whole body. It felt so good again, every time we did it, it felt special. When our clothes were off, I put my arms around him and got closer to him, our bodies against each others. I let my finger slide down across his muscled belly, and up again, before I went there. He looked at me and grabbed me, he lay me down on the bed. He got on top of me, slowly. I watched his body, his beautiful muscled body. His hands next to my head, feeling his warmth. He started, it let me feel so good, like we were in a different world. It was the first time in New York, the first time in his house. The first time since we were back. It is real, I couldn't believe it was all real.

The VacationOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora