Telling mom & dad

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I was actually just so nervous to see and tell Mom, that I had the feeling I had to puke. I don't know why but maybe because I was scared if she would be okay with it. Maybe she won't and than she will bother my love, but it was mine and my choice and I wasn't scared so she had to trust me. Zac realized that I was nervous so he took my hands, looked me in the eyes and said "It's okay". I gave him a little smile. We walked further and took our luggage. Liz and Jen were walking behind us, first wanted us to show up for Mom. I slowed my steps as we came closer to the exit. I already saw Mom, she didn't see us. I took a deep breath and walked towards her. She saw me and started waving, I waved back. At first she didn't realize that Zac was coming with me. We didn't hold hands but then Mom saw he was with me. Then the moment was even more awkward when some fans ran to Zac and asked for a picture. He quickly took pictures with them and I was just standing there, trying not to look in Mom's way. Finally he walked with me and we arrived at Mom. She smiled at me and hugged me. She kissed my cheek and looked at me from my toes to my head. "You look gorgeous, kid! This holiday was good for you, as I can see!" I smiled. She hugged Liz and Jen and said she was happy they were there again. Then she looked at Zac, back to me. "Who did you bring?" She asked. I looked at Zac, he held out his hand to Mom and shook hands. He introduced himself "Hello, Mrs. Rose. My name is Zac"
She looked at him questioningly. "Hello Zac. Who are you and who were were those girls back there?" She asked, trying to sound nice but actually a bit shocked and confused. I was just standing there, waiting for their response on every question in this awkward conversation.
"I-eh" He looked at me. I nodded. Then he went further.
"Your doughter and me met each other on this vacation and we had a great time together. We figured out we both live in New York here, so I decided to come back earlier to come with Emily."
Mom looked surprised. I felt I blushed. "But who were those girls?"
I answered the question. "I think we can better talk about that later, at home and with Dad."
She didn't seem very comfortable. I wasn't very comfortable either, but I was just relieved that the most awkward moment had already happened now. We brought Jenna and Lizzy home, said goodbye and that we will text. Then we left to my house. Mom, Zac and me in this one car with a terrible silence. Zac and I sat far apart and we didn't hold hands, because Mom didn't know everything about us yet. I looked at him from the corner of my eye and saw him doing the same. Mom kept looking backwards, thinking I didn't notice. The awkward car scene was over and we arrived at home. Dad was waiting for us in the front yard. He waved and walked to the car with a big smile. I came out and he gave me a hug, telling me was so glad I was back, almost crying. Then Zac came out and Dad was watching at him with a crazy look. Mom stood beside Dad. Zac came over to them and introduced himself to Dad. Dad didn't say much. Only "Oh, okay. Welcome" He particularly looked at Mom, who was still looking weird to Zac, because she didn't know much yet. And that made me look nervous and Zac uncomfortable. We went inside and I told them to sit down. I just wanted to explain everything fast. We took a drink and I said we had to tell them something. They seemed worried, maybe they thought I was pregnant or so. I started to tell about how we met and left and met again and then had fun together and then had those amazing days together (no details ofcourse), making them clear we are a couple already and holding hands.
Then I started to tell about this weird conversation we had about 'Zac Efron the star'. But Zac started telling further from there. He explained about those fans on the airplane and told them everything about his career. Of course they didn't believe him at first, so he showed them some trailers also and they said they had to handle it, but they didn't seem to have any problems with it so I was relieved again. After the talk, Mom and Dad went for a walk and me and Zac were alone. I showed him my house and my room. When I'd showed him everything we sat down on the couch. He hugged and kissed me, then held me close to him. I was happy he did cause I already wanted this the whole time we are here, but my parents you know...
"See, it wasn't that hard."
"No, I know. Thank you, again. For everything."
We were both sleepy so we fell asleep on the couch. Mom and Dad came back from their walk and went to bed. They let us sleep here tonight. Zac's arms around me, holding me tight so I wouldn't fall. Always protecting me.
Real. Love.

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