Feeling sick

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This time I felt better when he was away. It was probably because we called everyday now, sometimes even twice a day. He had more time for me and asked me more about how things were going. Oh, and on Instagram my follower count kept growing and growing and I suddenly had more than 1000 likes on every picture and maybe 300 comments. It was all really special to me since I've never been popular or something like that. There were many people who commented sweet things on my posts and I tried to reply on many of them just to show them I saw it and found it sweet. Unfortunately there were also some rude comments and I couldn't remove them all. At first it really made me sad because I always want to be liked by everybody and I just want to make a good impression to the world, but Zac explained me it was just fans who were jealous and tried to make us break up in this way. Now I don't really care about it anymore. And the store, yeah that's also a funny story. There were some customers who came in and walked to me and just said something like "Hey, I saw you on the Insta of Zac Efron, can I have a picture with you?". I didn't know what to say, cause what's so special about me? I just took a picture with them and later saw that they posted it on Insta and my store and I were tagged. That's how many more people came to my store and it started to get busier again. It was actually advertisement without me really doing something for it. In, I think like one week, revenue
was already half higher. Melody and I had to work harder, but we both really liked it to see new costumers and finally have good business again, so we didn't care. I had the best time with my parents, just like before, and some evenings Liz & Jen came by and we laughed a lot and had fun. But after a while I began to feel sick all the time. I stayed home from work for one day and that day I called with Zac and told him about feeling not so good. He said he was sorry and hoped I would feel better soon again. He said he wanted to be here to take care of me and make food for me and just lay with me and stroke my head when I didn't feel good. I said I would stay sick till he would came back for that and we laughed, but I wasn't happy when I kept feeling sick a few days in a row. I just went back to work and it was on Wednesday when Melody couldn't come because she had a wedding of her best friend, so I was alone that day. The whole day I didn't feel so good and had to take some rest moments, but at the end of the day I felt really bad. I just wanted to close the store when I almost fell from stabbing pain in my belly. I was dizzy and tried to hold on to something but everything was black and I fell on the ground. The store was closed, because I had already stopped selling for the day, but still worked in my office for an hour so I started to panic that no one could come in. With my last sight I tried to call Jenna on my phone, I almost died of pain and it seemed to take forever until she finally picked up the phone. I was lying on the ground, one arm around my belly, with the other calling.
"Hii Em!" Jenna said.
"Hey Jen" I said half moaning.
"Em, what's wrong? You sound really bad" She asked with a bit of panic in her voice. I moaned in pain. Tears filled my eyes.
"Jen listen, can you please come to the store really fast?..." Ouch I was having so much pain. I closed my eyes and took a breath, trying to stay calm. In the distance I heard her voice saying "Em? Emily? Em, what's wrong? Emily?!"
"The key is in the flowers in front of the door, please be quick I don't feel good" I let my hand fall on the ground and suddenly my sight and hearing were gone. I fainted.

When I was lying on the ground in my store Jenna and Lizzy hurried to the car and speeded with the car to find me before it was too late. They called an ambulance on their way to the store, explaining what I told them and what they knew. They were panicking and crying from fear. They didn't know what happened and what was wrong. They finally arrived. It felt like they had driven two hours while it was actually 20 minutes. They jumped out of the car and searched for the key, luckily they found it really fast. At the moment they opened the door, the ambulance arrived. They went to Jenna and Lizzy and they went inside together to find me lying on the floor with blood around me. Jenna screamed and they cried in each other's arms when the paramedics did their job and carried me on a stretcher to the ambulance. They started to drive to the hospital with their sirens and lights flashing. Lizzy and Jenna in their own car going after it.

The Vacationजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें