New couple

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It was 10am and me and Zac were already done with everything. We woke up at 8.30 but we slept well. Mariah had a day off again, cause Zac and I were home anyways. I was cleaning the living room a bit and the radio was on. I sang along with all of the songs, then one of my favourite songs was on. 'I won't give up' from Jason Mraz. I sang along and danced while cleaning the room. Zac was watching me while I didn't know that. He stood in the doorway, smiling. When I saw it I walked over to him and took his hand.
"I love this song, let's dance"
We danced together on the song and laughed like idiots because I was standing on his feet the whole time.
"You really should learn it to me better sometimes"
"I think you're already really good"
"I want to be better"
"If you want so, I will help you"
I went back to cleaning and the bell rang so I opened it. There were Jenna and Lizzy already, fifteen minutes early.
"GIIIRLS!" I yelled, and hugged them both.
"Yoyo Em, we missed you!"
Zac came up behind me.
"Hey girls!" He said.
"Hey Zac! How are you?" Liz asked.
"I'm good, I'm good." He smiled at me. We went inside and first we showed them the house. They were just as surprised as me at how big and beautiful it was. I got us something to drink. Then we sat down on the couch and sofas and started talking. First Zac and I talked about us and the last few days, then Jenna and Lizzy began to talk. They said they had to tell me something. They told me they were much together the last time. I knew that cause when I called them they were together and in the hotel they were also together the whole time.
"Yeah, but it's different. We stayed together after the vacation. Also the nights. We stayed at Jenna's appartment."
I already thought I knew why, but I just asked this stupid question.
"Huh why? Liz, did you fight at home?"
"No. We are together as in together. Just like you and Zac actually. We already thought it before the vacation but then the feelings became stronger and we both knew what it meant. I hope you're not too shocked or mad that we didn't tell you this earlier"
Zac was actually more a side figure in this whole conversation so he just sat there saying nothing and looking at us.
"No, no. Of course I'm not mad or something. And I also don't think it's weird or something, I don't know how to make that clear but you're my friends and I support you in everything. I do have to get used to the idea, but that is nothing strange right?"
"No, ofcourse not. We understand. And we already knew you wouldn't mind cause you are Emily and Emily doesn't judge."
We all laughed. They grabbed each other's hand. It didn't seem normal to me yet, but I could get used to that. Then we talked further about all things and that I'm finally gonna meet his parents and how excited I was for that. And I told them the weird story of Mariah in the house and me in the badroom. They laughed about it and I felt how stupid I actually was again. We had a nice day and we ate at a restaurant. Zac paid for us and the food was so good! It was one of the best restaurants he knew, he said. I had to admit that he was right. Jenna and Lizzy also enjoyed the day and night. We laughed much at the restaurant and people were looking at us but we didn't mind. Maybe they weren't even looking at us, but just at Zac. I was happy that there weren't so many people who wanted to make a picture with him all the time. That made me feel more like our relationship was just normal. We ended the evening with a glass of wine and said goodbye again. I wished them good luck together and we would see each other again soon. We gave a group hug with the four of us, which was special to me cause it was the first group hug with my best friends (who were also a couple) and my boyfriend. When we got home I was too lazy to shower and Zac also so we dressed in our pyjamas and got to bed. Zac whispered "I'm so proud of you. How you just deal with this like nothing is different from before. I really admire that."
I giggled and found it cute he said that.
"It's nothing really weird to me" I whispered back.
"I love you"
"Love you more"
We cuddled and kissed until we fell asleep.

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