Lane run until her lungs began to burn and her sight was blurry, by that time it was night out, and Lane was able to use her powers without fear of people seeing her. She ran into a nearby alley and jumped up onto a fire escape, she pushed herself off that and flipped into the air, her feet landing on the windowsill of an apartment a few floors up, she jumped up and gripped the edge of the roof of the apartment building. She pulled herself up and dropped onto the roof, exhaustion kicking in.

She hadn't been eating lately, trying to anger the Demon enough to let her leave. It hadn't worked, all it had done was weaken her. Now Lane cursed herself for her stupidity, she never should have let herself become this weak. It was dangerous. She wasn't able to handle this on her own, she couldn't get far enough away before he tracked her. Lane only had one option left, and it wasn't one she had ever used.

Lane closed her eyes and she laid back against the rooftop, she let her breathing even out, and then she opened the connection inside of her that she had with her brother, using her magic she got his attention so he too opened the connection. It was like telepathy, but strangely different.

"Remiel, I need you. Please help me." She was able to send before she passed out from exhaustion.



She was gone.

Luke and Nick had come downstairs after hearing the crash to find that Lane was gone and his book filled with Demon knowledge and names was lying open on the floor, on the page that was describing him.

Nick cursed as he paced the living room, he had wanted to run after her but Luke had stopped him. Luke was being the voice of reason in this situation, because Nick was honestly losing his mind.

Nick slammed his fist into the wall, resulting in a crushing sound as he broke the bones in his hand. He cursed and glared at his hand, as if he was blaming it. There was no one here to blame but himself. Within minutes, his hand had fullt repaird itself, making him grimace in pain. Nick turned to glare at Luke, he was frustrated.

"I thought she was going to stay? What happened to women being reasonable?" He snarled, his anger causing him to shake. He wasn't mad at Nick though, he was mad at himself. Nick had liked to Lane by not telling her the truth, Angels were big on thier honesty.

Luke shrugged, “You didn’t tell her though, she found it out by piecing it together herself. So right now, to her, it’s as if you lied to her and played her. She’s terrified of you and that’s not something that can easily be ignored, you have caused her to be tortured in her dreams, to watch her brothers be tortured. She was near death every single time she woke up, that would cause trauma to any being, angel or demon. It wasn’t just once, it was every single night. You had her waking up crying-”

“I get it!” Nick snapped, glaring at his only friend. He hadn’t realized the extent of damage he had caused to the Angel, his Angel. He had hurt her. “I have to find her, I have to explain to her... That- that -” Nick stopped and looked at Luke, utterly confused. “What am I supposed to say to her? I don’t know what i’m supposed to do or say right now. I’ve hurt her, maybe I should just let her be. She would be better off without me in her life.”

Nick looked down at the floor, confused at his emotions. He had never felt guilt, remorse, or even sadness before. He was a demon, they didn’t feel anything like that. The most a demon felt was joy and pleasure at torturing a person, causing fear, or destroying a life. They also felt lust, but that was mainly the half-breed demons, the ones who were also tainted with human blood. He was disgusted with himself with what he had become, with what he had done in his lifetime. He had destroyed countless lives and that wasn’t something he could ignore much less forget.

“Dude, I can smell your emotions and it’s disgusting. Get over it, you hurt an Angel. She was your greatest accomplishment!” Luke leaned forward, his eyes alight with wonder. “You captured two angels, and then you tortured their Little Sister for hundreds of years, and no one ever caught you. You are worshipped like a God down there, and you left it all to save some human and come back here, to Earth?” Luke’s voice was filled with disgust.

Luke was a half-breed demon, which was why he was considered a low-scale demon even though his power was immense. He despised humans for that fact, and had fought his entire life to become a full demon, to have power, and to earn a place in the Underworld. He didn’t belong anywhere, and Nick knew that was something that Luke hated.

“She was just a child! She had been captured from the Angels who were escorting her to the Heavens. They were torturing a four year old child, and they were enjoying making her scream and cry for her parents. The demons were laughing at her. I may be a demon, but I have standards. You don't harm an innocent, defenseless child." Nick snapped, the memories fueling his anger.

Luke stood up, "Just because you have morals, Nybbas, doesn't mean the rest of the demons do. You are foolish to have this human side of you, trust me, I have had it my whole life and I still regret it. Just give Laneene a few days to calm down, she'll be more willing to talk to you after she has had some time. For now, we need to make a plan about what's going to happen when your Judgement day comes."

Nick stopped pacing and he stared at the wall in front of him, he had forgotten about his Judgement Day. All Fallen Demons had a limited time to make their decision between Heaven and Hell, unlike Angels who had no time limit. He had been on Earth for ten years now, and his Judgement Day was in... well.. it was 10 years from the day he had been sent to Earth which was July 24th, which was in a week.

He had one week before he was either sent to Heaven or Hell. What was he going to do? He had no idea, because the only thing he could think about was Lane. There was no way he was leaving Earth until he had settled things with Lane, until she let him talk to her and explain it.



Lane opened her eyes slowly, she was cold and the cold was a comforting sensation that helped her sleep. She took a deep breath and stretched slowly, her entire body was stiff and sore, and she had no idea why. Where was she?

Lane tried to sit up and she frowned, then her eyes shot open. She turned her head to find that she was she shackled to a wall. Her arms were above her head, and she was sitting  on the ground in an uncomfortable position. 

Where was she? What was going on?

Fear filled Laneene and she felt felt panic grab hold of her.  She fought against the chains but it didn't work, they were made of Silver and the more she fought the more they began to burn her.

Lane gave up when she felt the warmth of her own blood began to trickle down her arms. She closed her eyes and took deep, calming breaths. She would figure something out. She needed to know who had her here first. The fact it was silver chains instead of gold mean that she was being held by some sort of Demon, but which one?

There was a whispering sound and Lane opened her eyes to see a man with shaggy, curly brown hair, sapphire blue eyes, and tan skin standing in front of here. He was wearing apair of whire slacks and a white, loose shirt. He was handsome, and the fact that on his back were a pair of two huge, beautiful wings. They wings were a beautiful white, speckled with gold. Lane couldn't help but stare at the man before her, as shock and confusion rocked through her system.

"Hello Little Sister," The man said with a smirk.

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