Chapter Seven: A Fatherly Message.....Kind of?

Start from the beginning

When they were finally released from class Alison hung back. It was their last lesson of the day. She took an extra long time to pack her books waiting until she was the only one left. Hagrid looked over at her after putting away the crates of flobberworms.

“Best be gettin. You’ll be later fer dinner.” He said in the monotone voice he had adopted.

Alison frowned at him, “Hagrid,” she started, stopping him from entering his hut, “You’re not yourself.” She said.

Hagrid gave a gruff response and opened the door. He held it open and motioned Alison inside. She picked up her bag and placed it on the large wooden table in his hut taking a seat. Hagrid bustled around the kitchen making a pot of tea. He was silent until he placed the large tea pot, two mugs, and a plate of his rock cakes onto the table and fell into a second chair.

“I’m hurt.” Hagrid said into his tea mug.

“Why’s that?” Alison asked him taking a rock cake, though only to be polite. There were many things she’d rather eat. Like a flobberworm.

“Nobody, I mean nobody, is in meh N.E.W.T. class. Not even Hermione, Harry, and Ron.” Hagrid took out his large handkerchief and blew his nose.

Alison stood up and went over to pat his arm, “It’s alright Hagrid. I bet they just couldn’t fit you in their schedules. They’ve got a lot going on you know.” She said softly.

Hagrid just nodded his head and wiped his nose again, “Yeah, yeah, that’s what they’ll tell meh.”

Alison sighed softly, “It’s not like they hate you Hagrid.”

“It’s alright there Alison, I’ll be fine.” He said and waved her away, “Get ter dinner now would  ya?” he said and nearly shoved Alison out of the door.

Alison shook her head and made her way up to the castle. She had already missed dinner by the time she got there so she continued up to the common room. She gave the Fat Lady the password and climbed in through the portrait hole. Colin was sitting at a table in the back corner. It was covered entirely in books. Alison walked over to him and sat down in the chair across from him. May-Bell was immediately in her lap.

“Hey Col.” She said softly and stroked May-Bell’s fur.

“Hello Ali.” He replied without looking up.

“What’s all this?” she asked.

“Studying.” Colin offered.

“Colin. The term has barley started.” Alison pointed out. Colin shrugged, “Want to get a head start. You should as well.”

Hermione appeared at Colin’s side, “He’s right you know.” She said with her smug smile, “You’ll want to get good study habits under your belt as soon as possible.”

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