First Kiss

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 "Carmilla, do you remember our first kiss?" Laura asks, curled naked under the comforter around her.

"Of course, I don't think that I could ever forget. You just wouldn't stop talking." Carmilla laughs at the memory.

"So, you're a giant black cat, huh?" Laura asks, laughing as well.

"I'm not quite sure that I had ever been happier in my entire life." Carmilla smiles softly at her.

"Me either. I was so incredibly relieved to see you there, not dead and standing up that I could have imploded." Laura kisses the hollow of her shoulder.

"Yeah, I was feeling pretty good about it too." the vampiress laughs.

"I bet." Laura agrees. "I think that that was probably when I realized that I was in love with you." she finally admits.

"Really?" Carmilla turns over to look into Laura's eyes.

"Yeah, I really do." Laura replies, playing with Carmilla's hair.

"I love you, too." Carmilla smiles back and kisses the younger girl happily. "I take it back. This moment, this moment right here is the absolute happiest moment of my life." she kisses Laura again."

"I can't really say that I disagree either." Laura tickles Carmilla's ribs and kisses her randomly all over as the vampire laughs.

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