Damn Leather Pants

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Carmilla hated those damn leather pants with a burning fiery passion and had for once, decided against wearing them to class. She had lived for hundreds of years and knew all of the trends. The leather pants got her the attention the most quickly. Now, with the Dean gone, (or mostly gone), it was time that she came out of the 'these-awful-constricting-uncomfortable-pants-have-got-to-go' closet. Today she had worn a black v-neck t-shirt, and black jeans. Admittedly, she had gotten a few surprised looks from her philosophy classmates, but none were disapproving.

Now, she headed back to the dorm-room she shared with Laura, whom she recently had decided fell under the category of girlfriend. With her vampiric hearing on alert, she stood outside of their door for a moment, taking in the sounds of Laura, who, from what Carmilla was hearing, was playing dress up. Not wanting to disturb the blonde's flow as she jammed out to her iPod, the vampiress focused for a few moments and dematerialized. Her entire person melted into a fog, before silently appearing on her bed completely unnoticed by Laura.

"Now, of course not. That's just the way the world works, cuuuutie." Laura announced to the supposedly empty room. Carmilla stifled a laugh, but was also mildly turned on by Laura wearing those damn leather pants and the extra away she added to her hips as she walked away.

Laura stepped into their shared closet and tugged off her tank top in favor of Carmilla's white button up. The vampire sucked in a breath at the sight of Laura's extra exposed tan skin, the music playing through the buds in the blonde's ears blocking her from catching on. She tucked in the shirt and tied a tie expertly on as well. Softly she sang along with Thinking Out Loud. She checked her reflection in the mirror and closed her eyes dancing to the change in song. Carmilla was surprised to find that she knew and liked it.

"Come on get higher, loosen my lips..." Laura sang.

"Faith and desire in the swing of your hips." Carmilla joined in from behind, making Laura jump and shriek adorably.

"This isn't what it looks like." She insists.

"I know what you're doing and I don't mind. It all looks better on you anyways." Carmilla reassures her. "Now, go back to whatever you were doing. Start the song over." She requests, coming up behind the smaller girl and putting her hands on her hips so that they danced slowly together.

"How long have you been watching me?" Laura asks, turning in Carmilla's arms as she allowed herself to be led gently around the room.

"Almost ten minutes."

"And you don't think it's weird that I do this sometimes?"

"Oh, it's definitely weird, but it's also hot and I don't mind." Carmilla playfully nips at Laura's ear. "Do you touch yourself in my pants, Cupcake?"

"I love it when you dance with me." Laura admits, ignoring the question.

"And I love you, stop avoiding the question." Carmilla ran her hand along the crotch of the jeans, making Laura tremble. The smaller girl blew out a light breath, pressing herself up closer to the older girl.

"Well I wasn't fucking spiders."

"Want to show me how you do it?" She whispers to Laura. Carmilla picks up Laura's hand from the girl's waist and guides it into her waistband as they continued swaying completely in sync with one another. With her other free hand, the vampire began to work on the laces of the leather pants.

"Talk me through it?" Carmilla requested. "What do you do first?" Her hand followed Laura's guiding a finger from each of them in.

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