Insides and Outsides

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Carmilla was hard on the outside, she was all muscle, cold and strong. Her mother had called her 'diamond' and she wasn't wrong. I have never seen anything more more rare, precious, or beautiful. Her mother had never seen the parts of the vampire that I had. On the inside, Carmilla could burn. Carmilla could burn more brightly than any sun. Carmilla would never allow that to be seen outside.

People wonder about how I can trust her. They've never seen what I've been allowed to. The inside can be so different. Maybe that's why they say to never judge a book by its cover. Her cover, while stunning, doesn't at all accurately show a glimmer of all of the things that are buried beneath. With me, she's all warmth. With me she is a rolling flame, always willing to curl up under a blanket and wraps herself around my smaller form.

I love the both sides of her. I love every side of her. I love the warm and fluff private side of her. I love that side that is always willing to show me how much she cares about me. I also love the strong, stolid, and silent side, always on the lookout and always ready and prepared to protect me and the other people that she cares about me at all times. Her heart is secretly so good and kind, I worry that she might be a little bit ashamed of that, or embarrassed.

Both the inside and the outside parts of Carmilla Karnstein have their places in the world. the inside part of her takes care of the inside parts of me. The outside parts of her are always willing and ready to fight for me as well. I love her protective instincts. The kindness on her insides are never a lie. I don't think her capable. I can see it in her eyes that she loves me. Maybe that is why they say that the eyes are the windows to the soul. Hers can see straight through.

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