Nick’s head shot up at that, and she felt her heart rate pick up as she saw his eyes were black. “Why not, is it because you don’t want to feel something for me? Is it because I repulse you?” Lane knew he shouldn’t be acting like this, but she also knew that Demons were uncontrollable at times.

Lane’s words must have shocked him, “No, of course not.”

Nick snarled, “You sure, because when you saw my eyes your heart beat picked up and you took a step back. Are you afraid I will hurt you? I am a Demon after all.”

Lane frowned, realizing she had stepped back, but not for the reason he thought. Demons had enhanced smelling, he should be able to smell her emotions. Why couldn’t he? Demons couldn’t smell other Demons though. Did that mean she had become more Demon than Angel? Or maybe you’re his Mate, Lane’s inner voice said to her. That’s just wishful thinking, there is no way they were Mates. She was an Angel and he was a demon. But you can’t stop thinking about him, you’re dreaming about him, and he can’t smell you now. You want him and you know that. She snorted mentally, an angel and a demon? That was impossible.

 “I wasn’t expecting to see your eyes like that. I am not afraid of you, or your strength Nick. I am not a human.”

“But you’re afraid of someone named James, and you can’t tell me you’re not. I heard you talking in your sleep about him, how you were afraid he was going to catch you and the drugs would make it easier.”

Lane bristled, “You were spying on me in my sleep?” Her voice was cool, hard. She knew exactly who he was talking about. There was a man who had been following her since she had become a Fallen. He had found her on the first day and tricked her into believing he wanted to help her, but instead, he wanted her blood. He knew she was a Fallen, but he called her a vampire. Humans had come up with a misguided belief of what they were. They believed Fallen were creatures that could only walk the world at night, which drank blood and killed on a nightly basis. They could live forever, not aging a day, no disease could harm them and no weapon could either, and they all believed it was due to blood.

This man, James, tricked her and tried to take her blood. He was insane, but he had drunk some of her blood, so now he could find her wherever she was.  When she was weak, or drugged, he would be able to find her because she wouldn’t be able to keep her mental blocks up. Nick was right, she was afraid of him, because he had found a way to hurt her, which most believed was impossible. She knew differently though, she knew the truth.

“I didn’t spy; you were saying it loud and clear.” Nick’s eyes were hard, uncharacteristically cruel. “Listen to me, you are here to stay safe, I won’t let anything happen to you.”

“Why though? I mean, you don’t know me and I am an angel, I have Fallen blood in me, and it is going to make me pretty much unstable for a month. I will never know if what I feel is my own emotions, or the blood. I won’t know if I will get angry and try to kill you or try to kill an innocent. I don’t know if James will be able to find me. I’m…afraid. I don’t know if I am going to live through this Nick, and I don’t want you to start caring about me.” Lane knew there was something about her that would make him feel, it always happened to her. Men were attracted to her, whether she wanted it or not.

Lane turned around, hiding her tears. She wasn’t lying; it was more common for a Fallen Angel to die when they got Fallen blood in their system because they weren’t natural born fighters. Unlike Demons, who had to fight to live on a daily basis, Angels never learned how to fight. Only Archangels were taught how to fight. Lane had been taught how to defend herself from Remiel, her older brother, who was an Archangel. Remiel was her favorite brother because he actually talked to her and cared about her. He was also the last brother she had left, the other two had died. Other than that, Angels had no knowledge of fighting; they never got diseases or sicknesses either, so the only thing that had the potential to kill them was another Fallen’s blood.

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