Which was another reason she was going out, she needed time around other people than him. Lane knew she could kill any human or nonhuman creature without thinking about it, that was more like a second reflex to her, and Nick knew she could protect herself, but he was going with her, which made her tense. She was definitely going to have to ditch him in the club, or she would never get any good information, she also wouldn’t get to dance with any men, and that was one thing she refused to miss out on tonight.

                As she walked down the steps and to the living room, Lane saw Nick pacing down the steps. He was wearing a pair dark, worn jean with holes in them, and a black button up shirt with a cross on the back and other fancy designs. He had it buttoned up except for the top three buttons showing a hint of tan skin and dark chest hairs were showing.

 Lane felt her face flush as she looked at him, he looked really good. Lane felt a surge of jealousy wash through her; she didn’t want Nick going out looking like that. She knew he would have girls hanging all over him, and that bothered her for some reason she didn’t know. Just as quickly as it had come, the jealously vanished, being replaced by anger. She wanted him to go, she wanted to make him feel jealous and horrible, and to make him see red and know there was nothing he could do about it in a crowd of humans.

Lane stopped and looked down at her hands, where her fingernails had been, there were now claws. That anger had felt so strong and overwhelming, she wanted to make him hurt, wanted him to feel how she felt now. It had been such a human thought that she shook her head and frowned, she wanted to go to a bar around fragile humans, but she couldn’t stand being around a tough-as-nails demon?

At that moment, the Demon in question looked up, as if he had smelled her. She knew she had been silent, and Demon’s had very acute sense of smell. Rumors were, they were part wolf and could shift at any time, but that was just a rumor, not to be believed.


Nick had been planning on ignoring her all night, planning on pretending she wasn’t there at all. But as he looked at her, he knew there would be no way to do that. Her honey blonde hair was cascading down her back in silky waves and her brown eyes were soft. She wore little make up, but it was enough that her eyes looked darker. She was wearing an open shoulder shirt, with one long sleeve, the other had no sleeve, it was black and it matched those black boots she had on, which were up to her knees and hid most of those tight jeans which were covering her lower half. Nick had to physically stop himself from growling, she looked hot, and in that outfit, there was no way he would be able to do anything but stare at her and envy the guys around her.

Ever since he had gotten back from her apartment, she had been avoiding him, maybe not physically because she couldn’t, but mentally. She wouldn’t really talk to him, and she wouldn’t tell him anything about her life, which he couldn’t really say anything about, because he had been doing the same thing. But he knew she had nightmares every night, because she would wake up in a cold sweat, eyes wide and panicked, afraid. She had screamed the first two nights, until she realized where she was.

It bothered him, that he had been the one to do that to her, but once he cursed someone, they had to live through the nightmares until they understood them or stopped being afraid of them. Nick knew he could never tell her, she would never forgive him. But Nick also knew there was something very important that she was keeping from him, and it had been bothering him. But If Lane ever found out his real name, she would despise him, if not kill him. He was not one of the strongest demons, but he wasn’t a weak one, and most people knew who he was. She could never know.

“You’re wearing that?” As soon as he said it, he knew it was not the right thing to say. Her eyes narrowed and she frowned, she looked hurt. He had hurt her feelings. Nick backtracked, “I mean you look great, but don’t you think it’s a little flashy to be going for information?”

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