- chapter 41 -

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| Elise |

Sleep. Eat. Dress. School. Sleep. Eat. Dress. School. Shower. Sleep. Eat. Dress. School. Sleep.

An endless array of monotonous hours passed by. She hadn't heard word back from Rhode Island. The likelihood of her acceptance letter coming in the mail was as slim as her artwork being presented in the Louvre.

She didn't, couldn't feel anymore. She wanted nothing more than to sleep forever. She knew she should speak with Elliot. She knew she was pushing him away. But why keep him around when he would only leave her once he saw her inadequateness? When he saw her troubled, marred soul?

Elise would rather save herself the pain, would rather save him the awkwardness of the conversation which would follow.

She didn't know how she should feel, how she should act. All she knew was that she had to continue on. Graduate. Lose herself in her artwork.

Sleep. Eat. Dress. School. Sleep. Eat. Dress. School. Shower. Sleep. Eat. Dress. School. Sleep.

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