- chapter 34 -

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| Elliot |

"Elliot, dear, the phone's for you!" He heard his mother call. He stood lazily, stretching his arms over his head and sighed from the relief it gave. It had been a lazy Sunday so far, he had been watching House. M.D for the majority of the day, occasionally laughing at the absurd and blunt responses the cranky doctor had regularly given throughout the show; however, he regretted not doing more, as his leg ached from lack of movement.

"Who is it?" He asked while hobbling into the kitchen, "A professor of sorts." His mother said, "Professor Lindon?" but she merely shrugged her shoulders in response, handing the phone to him.

< Hello? >

< Is this Mr. Elliot Sinders? > A thick Russian accent sounded from the other end.

< It is, yes. >

< Ah, wonderful, I am Vladimir Ashkenazy, head pianist instructor and orchestra conductor at Juilliard Conservatory; I have gained word of your acceptance. >

< Oh yes, I just received the letter yesterday evening, I'm beyond honoured for this opportunity! >

< I have also gained word that you are an excellent self-taught pianist, yes? >

< Self-taught, yes, however the excellent part is still up for debate. >

Vladimir chuckled deeply, < Professor Lindon did mention how modest you are, young boy, good trait, very good trait to have. >

< Thank you? > Elliot said unsurely, not knowing how to respond.

< I call because I want to hear you play for myself. >

< Wow, that would be an honour but->

< Wait, I'm not finished, > He said, amusement lacing his voice, < If you please my ears, I would then like you to come tour with the Juilliard Orchestra this summer and fall all around Europe. >

Elliot allowed the words to sink in, completely speechless.

< You still there, boy? >

< Y-yes, I'm just attempting to formulate a response. >

The man chuckled again, more loudly this time, < Our current pianist broke his arm while playing football, silly boy, what pianist also plays football? It like tempting fate. Nonetheless, I have spoken to Professor Lindon and he believe you would be best fit, but I would like to hear for myself, yes? >

< Of-of course, > Elliot stuttered, not daring to believe his ears, < I would be honoured to do so. >

< Wonderful, I can come to your school, you have music department, yes? >

< Yes, yes we do. >

< I will be at your school on, say, Thursday? >

< That would be great, yes. > Elliot said, still unbelieving.

< Good. I will bring the pieces, no need to practice, > He said, making a nervous flutter appear in Elliot's stomach, no practice, only sight reading? oh boy. < Have a good day, I look forward to hearing you perform. >

< To you as well, thank you again. > Elliot said and heard the soft click of the receiver.

He leaned against the counter, still not believing his ears, this was almost too good, too good to be true. Elliot ruffled his hair, attempting to shake away the negative thoughts beginning to cloud his mind, but he couldn't help wonder what the non-monetary price for something so incredible could be. 

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