- chapter 33 -

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| Elise |

The rain was pelting fiercely against the studio windows as Elise stared at her now complete painting. Something about it wasn't quite right, she didn't mean that the eyes appeared too large or her hair a wavy mess; she simply couldn't put her finger on what it was, however, she was determined.

"Adding a few finishing touches?" A voice said behind Elise, startling her.

"Oh!" She said spinning to see the studio owner standing immensely close behind her, "You scared the living daylights out of me, Olivia."

She chuckled, corkscrew curls bouncing as she laughed, "Sorry, I thought you'd heard me."

"No, I suppose I was too absorbed," She said, heart still pounding and turning back to her painting, "But to answer your question, yes, I feel like something is missing."

"It's hauntingly beautiful, Elise." Olivia said while placing a red manicured hand on her shoulder, "you should be very proud."

Elise looked down at her feet, "Thank you."

"I'm heading down to Rhode Island to teach a class next week, I can drop these off for you if you like?"

"That would be wonderful, actually."

Olivia smiled, the freckles splattered across her nose looking like paint in the late night light, "Just send them an email letting them know I'll be dropping it off."

"Thank you," Elise said, feeling as if a small weight had been lifted off of her shoulders, "again."

"No worries at all," Olivia said while walking across the studio and unhooking her raincoat from the coat rack, "Remember to lock up when you leave, and please, Elise," She said, turning to face her, "Don't stay in here all night pondering why you feel as if it is unfinished, it looks perfect."

With that Olivia spun on her heel and gently closed the door behind her, leaving Elise alone in the studio with nothing to keep her company but her thoughts which churned and stirred like the ominous stormy night sky. 

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