- chapter 26 -

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| Elliot |

The smell of freshly brewed coffee and something sweet floated in the air. Elliot's stomach grumbled. He lazily stretched and sat up, the memories of last night washed over him, sending happy pulses through his body. A goofy grin spread across his lips; Elise.

He dressed quickly and gathered the remainder of his things before he checked his email in hopes of a response from professor Linden; no such luck, perhaps tomorrow.

He trotted down the winding stairs and heard more knocking and clamouring coming from the kitchen along with hysteric giggles.

"Well, well, well, look who finally woke up." Amanda said teasingly as she poured three cups of coffee.

"Sleep well, Elliot?" Elise added, flipping a french toast in the process.

"Very well, thank you." He replied laughing at the sight before him - Amanda was busily setting the table and Elise was cooking, "I'm actually surprised that you're awake, Amanda, it's only 9a.m."

"You know, Elliot, we are cooking you breakfast, you should be a little nicer to your cousin." Amanda said and threw a balled up napkin in his general direction, he caught it.

"Actually, I believe Elise is the one doing the cooking."

"Wow, you're so observant."

"Why thank you."

"mmmgh." Amanda mumbled and made a face at him. Elise laughed and placed the last french toast on a plate, "Let's eat."

"So what did you have in mind for today?" Amanda asked, stuffing a forkful dripping with maple syrup into her mouth.

"I was thinking we could show Elise a bit of the city, isn't there an art store that you also wanted to check out?"

Elise blushed slightly, "Please, I don't want to be a bother."

"Oh hush, you aren't a bother in the slightest, I think I know where it is anyway so we can stop in before we head back."

"Alright," Elise said softly as she poured milk into her coffee.

"We could start in Times Square and wander around a bit, then eat at a cafe, go to the art store and then head out?" Amanda suggested between mouthfuls.

"Sounds good to me." Elise said and Elliot nodded, smiling in her direction, "Wonderful."


"The number of people here is insane!" Elise exclaimed as they maneuvered around Times Square. They had been walking for an hour or so, visiting the art store where Elise had bought different brushes and paints and were now hunting for a cafe.

"Yeah, it's crazy." Amanda replied while sidestepping past a homeless person and his dog.

"What's your favourite part of living in New York, anyway?" Elise asked. Elliot looked over at her, he was completely endeared by Elise's wide eyes filled with excitement and curiosity for the city.

"Probably the atmosphere, there's always something going on, new people to meet - I suppose those are only things a city slicker would say, but it's true."

"I feel as if it would get tiresome after a while, you know?" Elise said, and Amanda nodded, "I suppose it can, I'm glad I have school to focus on, otherwise I think I would get lost in the nightlife."

"Where were you planning on staying when you move here, Elliot?" Elise asked and he shrugged his shoulders, "Probably with Amanda at first until I can figure out other arrangements, I'm not sure if I can handle this party freak."

"Hey!" Amanda exclaimed, punching him on the shoulder and he laughed, "I need to get in first, though."

"You were fantastic at your audition, Elliot, I wouldn't worry."

He lightly shook his head, not knowing how to reply or express his anxiety towards the outcome of the audition - if he didn't get in, well, he didn't have a backup plan. He grimaced, shaking the thoughts from his mind.

"I was meaning to ask, how is your portfolio coming along?" Amanda asked Elise and Elliot's brow creases in confusion, "Portfolio for what?"

Elise blushed deeply and adjusted the handbag strap on her shoulder, "I, um, I'm thinking of applying to the Rhode Island School of Design, but I need to finish a portfolio with different pieces."

"That's fantastic, El, I knew you painted but I didn't know you were interested in pursuing it!"

She shrugged and looked away, "I'm not finished yet, I still need to finish my major piece, but I'm not entirely sure what it is going to be."

"I told her I could model for her, you know, in the buff, but she declined, but I can't imagine why."

Elise laughed, "It's not exactly my style, you see."

Elliot smiled, "And what exactly is your 'style'?"

"Mainly facial portraits, but not the traditional kind, they're more texturized, I suppose."

"I hope I can see some of your work, then."

"Perhaps." Elise replied and grinned, "and I hope to hear more of your piano playing."

Elliot warmly smiled down at her, eyes twinkling, "Perhaps." 

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