- chapter 15 -

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| Elise |

"...and I think I'm totally going to make the cut since there were other guys that legit sucked and..."

Wow this is so interesting Elise sarcastically said to herself. Adam had been rambling on and on and on about the tryouts , but the only actually 'stand out play' for her was bumping into Elliot earlier in the week.

Elliot. She sighed and looked down at her feet, cheeks turning scarlet. She remembered their encounter, the pouring rain, her tears, his strong arms around her, trying to cheer her up.

"Elise are you even listening to me?" Adam asked, playfully bumping into her shoulder but ultimately sending Elise stumbling across the sidewalk.

"No, because I honestly do not care, if you would have been paying attention to me you would have noticed." Elise said and rubbed her shoulder, "And that hurt, asshole."

Adam chuckled, and slung his arm around her - she stiffened and pushed him away. "So," he began, voice suddenly filling with pride, "I got another e-mail from Columb-"

"Elise!" A familiar voice called from behind, "Elise wait up!"

Confused, Elise turned and saw Elliot hopping clumsily on one foot along the sidewalk, it would have been comical if she wasn't so shocked.

"Elliot?" She said, mouth agape.

"Elise, I'm so glad-" he said, breathing hard as he leaned against the side of a building and attempted to collect himself, "I'm glad I caught up to you."

Elise smiled shyly, cheeks flushing once again, damn.

"Elliot? As in Elliot Sinders?" Adam scoffed, "I don't remember seeing you at tryouts." he said cooly, casually slinging an arm around Elise's shoulders once again.

Elliot glanced over at Adam, "Yeah well, I would have been there if I wouldn't have, you know" he motioned down to his leg and then looked back over to Elise, "So, I know this sounds weird but-"

"Can you hold that thought for a second?" Elise said quickly and turned to face Adam, "Could you maybe grab me a coffee? Dark Roast, little bit of milk, please?"

Adam sighed, rolling his eyes as if to say, 'girls, what can you do?', and walked across the street to the coffee shop.

"Sorry, I just, I didn't want him to hang around." Elise said apologetically and looked up at Elliot. He was much taller than Elise remembered, but his eyes were as green as ever, looking intently down at her, not missing a thing. "Yeah that guy is a jerk...sorry to say."

Elise rolled her eyes, "Tell me about it."

"So," He began, looking at her, "I, um, there's a lot to explain I know, but I was wondering if you'd like to come to New York with my cousin and I because, um, well I'm playing for the Dean of the Music department at Juilliard and I know we just met but I could really use the support and-"


"What, seriously?"

Elise laughed, surprised by her own response, and nodded

"Considering we've only talked in person twice, both of which were in the rain, I didn't expect you to be so enthused."

"Well, I'm sure you can explain why you suddenly have the urge to attend Juilliard over another sport college on our way there."

Elliot smiled, amusement caused his eyes to sparkle, "How about this, I'll call you tomorrow evening and we can hash out the details?"

"That would be great." She said, hardly able to contain her excitement.

"What would be great?" A breathless Adam asked as he jogged up beside her.

"Nothing really." Elise and Elliot said simultaneously, and grin at one another.

"Riiight." Adam said, obviously unconvinced, "Well Elise we should better head out, your mother won't be impressed if you're late."

She gave him an odd look and said goodbye to Elliot, allowing her cheeks to flush with color only when her back was to him and they were walking away.

"Here's your coffee by the way," Adam said, handing the disposable cup to her.

"Oh, thanks!" She says, taking it from him and tossed it directly into the garbage can beside her.

"What the-"

"That's for hockey checking me across the sidewalk." 

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