- chapter 31 -

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| Elise |

"...and this one," She said while pulling out her half-finished piece, "this is the one I've just recently started."

"I can tell." Elliot said quietly, and an indecipherable look crossed his features "Not because it was half-finished, but because it looked...different" He added hastily.

"Different how?"

"It's lighter, the strokes less harsh and forced, it just looks happier."

Something settled deep in Elise's stomach, harsh? forced? He didn't like her other works...

She cleared her throat, "Yeah I suppose things have changed from the beginning to now, I feel different."

He smiled down at her, dimple creasing his cheek "So will this be your final piece?" He asked while looking back at the portrait.

"I think so, it's my biggest piece and since it's less harsh and forced, I suppose it will save me if they don't like the other pieces."

"Elise I- I didn't mean that I didn't like your other pieces, they are amazing, all of them are, you pour so much of yourself into these, the emotions you felt at the time are plain in each and-and this one," he motioned to the one standing beside them, "this is such a stark contrast to the others because with those, it's like you painted them out of pain, but this one, it just seems as if you painted it out of happiness."

Elise stood, hugging her damp clothes and feeling uncomfortable. She didn't know how he did it, how he managed to see her so completely rather than right through her like everyone else seemed to. It's as if he was holding her up, keeping her from falling into the depths that so forcibly beckoned for her to return - it frightened her, because of the nagging question of what happens if he leaves?

She shook the thoughts from her head and smiled shyly, "Thank you."

"You're welcome." He restlessly shuffled his feet and Elise looked down at her own.

"So...the deadline for application is in a few weeks."

"That's great!" He said, obviously relieved for a change in conversation, "You needn't worry, Elise, you're going to get in."

"I hope you're right." She said, still hugging her elbows, "I don't know what I'll do if I don't, I've already been rejected once."

Another look passed over his features that she didn't understand, but before she can ask him, he's pulling her into a hug. His arms enveloping her completely and his chin resting lightly on her head, "You know you can talk to me, right? Like really talk to me."

She squeezed him, allowed her head to rest on his chest and breathed in the musky smell of his cologne and him.

"I know."

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