- chapter 51 -

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| Elliot |

Elliot stared at his reflection in the mirror. He fiddled with his bowtie as anxious waves rolled across his stomach. He had been traveling with the orchestra for two months now, yet the anxiety before a performance hadn't faded.

He let out a frustrated sigh and re-did his bowtie, cursing his quivering fingers. A knock sounded at the door and it opened.

"Mr. Sinders." Professor Ashkenazy said as he closed the door behind him, "May I speak with you?"

"Yes, of course Professor." Elliot said, giving up on his bowtie, "Is there something wrong?"

"Well, I was going to speak with you about that." He said, sitting on the plush chair, "Sit." He motioned to the place across from him.

Elliot did so, confused expression drawn across his features.

Professor Ashkenazy folded his hands, "You have appeared unhappy lately, Mr. Sinders, it has come to my attention."

"Unhappy, Professor?"

"Yes, you are not what you were when I first spoke with you, you seem distracted, displeased."

"I can assure you that there's nothing wrong, the time differences have been difficult for me, that's all."

Professor Ashkenazy shook his head, "What's wrong, Elliot?"

Elliot looked down at his hands, "It's a complicated situation. I'm overreacting."

He looked sternly at Elliot, obviously displeased with the answer. "You're not happy here, there is something more pressing, waiting for you at home."

Elliot blushed and wondered how he was so transparent, "Professor, I-"

"It is okay, I would guess that home is where you should be."

Elliot nodded and he continued, "You have done superbly here, Elliot, you have improved more than I believe you have noticed." He paused and reached into his suit-pocket, "I have your return tickets here, paid for, your flight leaves in the morning, but I will ask you to perform tonight."

"Of course Professor, but-"

"I'm sure we can make other arrangements for you to repay, Elliot, in fact, I already have something in mind."


"I would like you to, ah, perform a few songs for a special event."

"What kind of event?"

Professor Ashkenazy blushes slightly, uncharacteristicley of him, "My wedding in this coming May."

Elliot beamed, "I would be honoured to do so."

"Good," he cleared his throat and stood, "Then we can discuss this further when I return after the new year, yes?"

"Absolutely." Elliot said, standing as well.

Professor Ashkenazy shook Elliot's hand, "You are a good man, Elliot, enjoy yourself tonight, you never know when you will be able to do this again."

Elliot smiled, "Thank you, I'll make you proud."

"Good." He smiled, "Now, shall we?" He beckoned to the door and Elliot nodded and followed him out, the flutters of anxiety he had felt before now transformed into a warm, comforting feeling; hope.

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