- chapter 21 -

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| Elise |

"I can't do it, I can't, I'm not good enough for this..." Elliot said in a panicked tone as they approached the room where he was to audition.

"Elliot, stop, you're going to do great." Amanda said confidently, motioning for him to go first.

"You're going to be fine." Elise added, giving his arm a tight squeeze and he looked down at her with an indecipherable look in his eyes.

"Ah, Mr. Sinders, so nice to see you again." A tall, distinguished man said at the entrance. The room they had entered was all but empty except a few chairs to the side and a large, grand piano positioned in the middle, demanding attention - it was stunning.

"Professor Lindon, nice to see you again as well." Elliot said, firmly shaking his hand with newfound confidence.

"You may begin." The professor motioned to the piano and Elliot took a seat on the plush stool.

He looked over at Elise, who gave him a quick nod of encouragement, he smiled, and turned to the black and white keys.

He began playing, a soft melody at first, his fingers stroked the keys in a way that he may stroke a loved one's cheek. It was delicate, and stunningly beautiful, however, nothing could have prepared her for what came next.

Elliot quickened the pace of his playing, fingers merely grazing each key before moving on to the next, the only possible way to describe it was that his fingers danced. His face seemed to lose all anxiety that it held seconds prior, and it was plain that he was pouring everything he had into these few minutes. The tune which he played was nothing like Elise had heard before - it was dark, complex, yet stunningly beautiful; her brain was unsure with what it should focus on, Elliot's fingers playing without abandon, or his face, displaying such pure happiness she was almost envious of the keys.

Then it was finished, and all was silent in the massive room. The professor held a thrilled smile on his face, Amanda smiled proudly and Elise, well, she was sure her mouth was hanging open like a trap door.

"That was magnificent, son."

"Thank you very much." Elliot said almost shyly.

"You're very passionate, that is evident, now I must reflect, I will contact you in a few days, please, I'm sure you can see yourselves out."

Professor Lindon stood slowly, smile still spread across his face and mumbled to himself, my boy, wonderful, absolutely wonderful.

Once he disappeared, Elliot stood from the piano and walked over to Elise, "What do you think, was it any good?" He asks, mouth twisted in her favourite grin.

"Are-are you kidding?" Elise stuttered, "No, it wasn't good," his face dropped slightly, obviously trying to hide his disappointment.

"Elliot, that was absolutely incredible!" Elise laughed, filled with an overpowering urge to jump and hug him fiercely.

"It really was, Professor Lindon was basically in a trance!" Amanda squealed and hugged him. Elliot laughed, a bashful look crossing his features.

"Now," Amanda said a wicked look spread across her pretty face, "Who wants to celebrate?"

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