- chapter 50 -

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 | Elise |

A dizzying amount of loud voices hummed about her; people bustled by, having no consideration for the others around them, merely worrying about themselves and their own destinations.

It was her first trip back to New York, and somehow, she didn't remember it being quite as loud, or hostile. She didn't remember feeling quite so lonely.

The only reason she had come back in the first place was so that she could restock in paint brushes and palettes; but as she looked into the pretty display window of New York Central Art Supply, she saw that the universe wasn't working her way.

Closed sorry for any inconvenience this may cause was stated on the store door.

Elise sighed in frustration; she had thought her day was bad when a little kid left sticky-chocolatey handprints on her jeans while on the bus, or when the coffee she had bought tasted more like water than anything else, but now? Now she knew that this day was not taking kindly to to her, or vice versa.

She fished her phone from her purse, searching for another art material store within a reasonable distance when she heard her name being called.

"Elise! Elise!"

Elise turned, and was bombarded by a mess of curly hair and long limbs, "Oh my gosh, I can't believe its you!" the assaulter said, pulling back to flash a brilliant smile.


"Oh my gosh, Amanda, how are you!?"

"Better question, how are you, I thought you dropped off the edge of the Earth!"

"I'm alright, as for the other part, that is a very long story."

"C'mon, we'll go for coffee and you can tell me all about it, please?" She pouted her maroon coloured lips and bats her eyelashes.

"Under one condition," Elise said, a slight smile cracking, "the coffee can't taste like water."

Amanda laughed and said, "This is New York, sweetheart, I think we can find you a more than decent cup of Joe." She hooked her arm with Elise's, and then she pulled her through the crowds that, oddly enough, now appeared a little less lonely and a little less hostile.

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