- chapter 2 -

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| Elliot |

*bang* *clack,clack, clack, clack*

"Oh awesome." Elliot said, angrily cursing his inability to maneuver efficiently with the hospital crutches. He contemplated how he was to get down the stairs to reach his crutches when his cell phone began to vibrate.

"Hello," he answered, phone pushed between his chin and shoulder.

"You coming to watch tryouts tomorrow tonight, Smelliot?" Jared asked from the other end.

Elliot stopped his attempt to walk down the stairs, and looked down at his bummed leg, "Well, you see," he began, leaning against the wall perpendicular to the stairs and continued, sarcasm threaded through each word, "If I could actually walk, then yes, I would definitely come watch you kill University tryouts, but considering that I'm crippled-"

"Awe c'mon, man" Jared pleaded, "It'd be nice to have some moral support when up against all the inner city big-shots."

Elliot sighed, and began doing a slow, one-footed hop down the stairs with the support of his arms, "Fine, dude, but you're going to make it anyway." Jared grumbled on the other side, "I wish you could try out too, we would've psyched out the other players."

Reaching the bottom of the stairs unharmed, Elliot did a victorious fist pump, but stopped short after the weight of the words his best friend had said hit him.

"Anyway, I better go, that kid Adam from J.H. Kings wanted me to meet him at the field to practice his... everything, so I'll see you tomorrow."

Only half paying attention, Elliot mumbled a goodbye and clicked off his phone, too lost in his thoughts to even move. It had been a couple months since the accident, though his leg seemed to burn with pain every time the horrific memories of it flooded his mind;

It had been a beautiful Thursday evening when it had happened; he was driving home from practice, not speeding, not horsing around, not even fiddling with his phone, when a silver SUV suddenly skid out onto the road mere meters in front of him. Ultimately too late, he remembered slamming on the breaks in his black civic and smashing directly into the back left side of the vehicle, the last thing he had felt before passing out was a fire like pain racing up his left leg. He remembered briefly coming to as a paramedic pulled him out of the crumbled tin can that mere minutes earlier was his vehicle. He remembered hearing screaming and crying, more childlike than adult. He remembered the paramedics yelling for the Jaws of Life once again. When he came to for the second time, he remembered hearing his parents mumble beside him, a little boy had been in the back seat. The boy, only a 9 year old, had to have his arm amputated due to the damage done in the crash. It was his fault. All his fault.

Elliot angrily wiped away the tear that had escaped his eyes; it hadn't been his fault, though. The police knew that the father of the child had been driving with his blood alcohol level three times over the legal limit. But he still felt horrible - if it hadn't been for him, that little boy wouldn't of had to have his arm amputated.

Realistically, Elliot knew it hadn't been his fault; everything about the situation prior was perfectly normal, but one stupidly irresponsible man had been driving under the influence with his little child in the back seat - perhaps being hit was a blessing so that nothing worse had happened.

He shook his head to clear the haunting thoughts, Elliot took a deep breath and mumbled, "Life isn't fair."

Deep down knowing that it was a pointless thing to say, as life wasn't meant to be fair in the slightest.


Hey Ya'll,

So this is kind of cool... not going to lie. 

Eventually I'll figure out an updating schedule, I just have the first few chapters already written which is why they're being fired out so quickly... 

**Thanks for commenting and voting, it quiets my insecurities with my writing ever-so-slightly :* 

- Question of the Chapter: What is a TV Show/Movie that you are currently obsessed with? -


- L -

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