See You Again

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'And I don't know why, white liar...'

I finished the song with a final strum of the guitar I was supplied with. The people that crowded the bar applauded, whistled, and some even shouted out song requests. I smiled brighter than the sun as the stage lights shined on me. I leaned into the mic and said "Thank you! Goodnight!". I took the guitar off my neck and placed it in the stand. I picked up the Mason jar I had on the stage to collect tips and carried it back. I thanked the band behind me and went to a back room where I kept my stuff. As I head back I hear the announcer yell, "And that was Olivia Belle!"

I sang at this bar for whatever money I could get. I loved singing, had been doing it since I was five. Tonight was a country themed night, so I sang a couple country songs to fill my two-hour slot. I sang just about everything. Tomorrow I was going to be singing a mix of music. I picked up my backpack and put the jar into the pocket. I went into the room and changed out of a white and lacey dress into jeans, a tank top and a hoodie.

I pulled my bag onto my back and walked out the back door. I pulled the hair tie off my wrist and threw my hair up into a pony-tail. I walked down the dying New York streets as I heard a clock in the distance toll the 9:00 pm hour. I sighed heavily. It was the same thing I did every Thursday night. I wonder how much I made tonight? I knew I would also sign tomorrow night. The owner was letting me do an extra slot since his other band cancelled.

I was about to get to 18th street when I stopped in an alley. The last alley on 17th street. I turned into it and looked at the painting on the wall. In big graffiti letters it read ...

'Haley Georgina Franklin-November 16th-We Will Always Love You!'

Haley was my childhood best friend. Haley was until she was eleven. We were walking home from school and Haley was shot and killed in this very alley on November 16th. It brought back some bad memories. I felt like I could cry, but refused to. I pulled a recycling bin out and flipped it over. A little street rat fell out and I did a girly half-squeal. I HATE rats. I shuddered and sat down on the recycling bin. I was staring at Haley's wall and was at a loss for words. I folded my hands and bowed my head with eyes closed. I started praying...

'Haley, I miss you. I want you back so bad. I'm lost in this world. I'm still in the halfway-house and barely making this work. Haley, I don't know if I should ask you or God for this, but I need a sign. A sign that something good is gonna happen. I see people everyday, and I wonder what it would be like to be in a family again. The halfway-house is not a family. You and my mother were my family. No one at school knows that I'm at the house, and I don't know what to do. Haley, will you please show me something? I don't care what, but just something!'

I was sobbing at this point. I wiped away my tears and stood back up. I placed a kiss on my hand, and touched the wall with the same hand. My gift for Haley. I went on alert when I heard police sirens. I booked it out of the alley and saw they were headed my way. I held up my hand to keep from going blind. Th car slowed down and I saw a woman in the passenger seat. She rolled down her window and said, "It's a little late to be out here by yourself, are you okay?"

"Uh, yeah. I just got off work." I said, not a total lie. "Where ya headed? You need a ride?" she asked. "No, just headed back to my house." I said. Shit, should have said home, nobody says house. "Alright, well where is it? You wanna ride back there?" she asked again. "Nope, I'm good. Thank you though." I said and before she could question again I broke into a race walk away from the car.

I breathed heavily and pushed my side bangs away. The house was only about another fifteen blocks. I'd be there in a little more than ten minutes. I kept walking and wondered about what could have happened. I could have been taken away and put in foster care. I had just turned fifteen, I couldn't deal with anymore heartbreak. I lost my mom and best friend six months apart from each other. I was eleven when it all happened. I had been in that house for four years. I hate it, but I feel like I couldn't leave it. There are so many people there that I feel I need, or they need me.

I eventually walk up to the house. It looks like a three star apartment building. That's pretty much what it is. I walked in and saw Stacy sitting at her desk. Stacy pretty much runs this place. She pays the rent here and we all do what we can to help here. Except for me. I do as little as I can and still look like I do something. I had to take care of myself. I spent my money that I earned to help myself, and I used as little as possible.

I saved money to be able to buy someone to help solve my friend's murder. And who caused the accident that killed my mother. It was going to take me forever. I did all the scholarships my school offered so I could get into college. I knew I was gonna have to work for whatever I wanted.

"Hey Liv." Stacy said as I headed down the hall to my room. I hated when people called me Liv. I would always be Olivia. Haley was the only person ever allowed to call me Liv, and that was because she let me call her Hay. I trudged down the hall and unlocked my room. I was not small, but it wasn't big either. I set my bag down next to my bed and took the jar out. I turn on a lamp and dump the jar on my bed. I separate change from dollars. I start counting and get 15 dollars in cash, and then $3.28 in change. I add it to my bigger jar on my desk. I add 18.28 to what I already have in there. I pull out my notepad and add it to my current amount. $532.78.

To some people, I'm rich. To myself it's not enough for Haley or my mom. I needed like two thousand dollar to get help on my mom and friend's case. I wondered if I just stuck around with those officers, if I could have found something out. Forget it. Who wants to help me? Besides, I could take care of myself. I stripped down and took a shower. I sang quietly to myself.

'I will see you again'

'Ohh, oh'

'This is not where it ends'

'I will carry you with me'

'Ohh, oh'

'Till I see you again'

I loved the song. I knew I would see my best friend and mother soon. I would also see justice served to the two assholes who did this. I knew I would, it just seemed like a matter of time. I could feel that Haley would do what she could to help.

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