Harry and Louis: Let me teach you the dark side

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Harry had always had a lot of friends and had always been a good student. It’s not because he was particularly loud or outgoing, he just had a certain charm that made everyone want to be friends with him and the girls fall head over heels for his cheeky sense of humor. He wasn’t cocky in any sense, actually he kept most of his thoughts private, only expressing his opinion when spoken to or asked about by one of his close friends.

It was a Tuesday when Harry first saw him. He figured he must be new, Harry hadn’t seen him around before, and he knew practically everyone. He looked older, maybe a few years ahead of Harry. But there was something different about him, he hung out with the goth crowd. Harry didn’t associate with them much, but he had nothing against them.

But the first thing he noticed about Louis was how fucking gorgeous he was. Louis wasn’t really his “type”, but he could not deny that the boy was practically sex on legs. 

When Harry passed Louis in the hall that Tuesday, Louis hadn’t even looked at him. However, Harry couldn’t take his eyes off of Louis, he was in a trance.

Louis wore skin tight black skinny jeans, a black band t-shirt and converse and Harry noticed the way his jeans clung to his full thighs. Louis had two sleeve tattoos on both of his arms, black earrings in both of his ears, and black eyeliner outlined his bright blue eyes. His chestnut hair was sticking out in every direction, his fringe swept across his forehead.  

And Harry thought Louis was the hottest thing he’d ever seen.

After their encounter in the hall, if you could call it that, Harry couldn’t keep Louis out of his head. He wanted to see him again. 

Harry kept quiet for the rest of the day, ignoring concerned looks and questions from his best friends, Liam and Niall. 

“Are you sure you’re okay? You’ve seemed pretty out of it since this morning, mate.” Niall said, curiously. 

“Yeah, yeah I’m fine, I promise, just got a lot of homework to catch up on.” Harry said, when he’d really been thinking about Louis and his perfectly toned body and his biceps and just fuck. He waved quickly before they parted ways for Harry’s last class of the day, advanced chemistry. Harry hated science, but he was good at it and they placed him in a higher level class.

He walked into class and took his regular seat in the second row, pulling out his notebook. He stopped short when the teacher spoke up, “Class, we have a new student that will be joining us today, Louis Tomlinson.” 

Harry’s head snapped up and sure enough, Louis was standing at the front of the class, hand tucked into his jeans pocket, a backpack slung over his shoulder, he gave a small smile and made his way to the back of the room.

Harry’s heartbeat quickened as he followed Louis with his eyes across the classroom, admiring the delicious curve of his ass, and he could feel his pants tightening by the second. He turned around as the teacher started the lesson and Harry could not fucking focus. His thoughts were just LouisLouisLouis and how fucking hot he looked in skin tight jeans, and the eyeliner and all of his fucking tattoos. He’d been with a few guys before, but Louis was they were nothing compared to Louis. God damn it. This boy came out of nowhere and for whatever reason, Harry couldn’t think about anything else. 

“Harry Styles?” His teacher called from the front of the room as the rest of the class was packing up.

“Yes?” He asked, standing up and walking toward her desk slowly. Shit, what now?

“Louis? Would you come up here?” Fuckfuckfuck. Harry’s heart was beating a mile a minute, he practically passed out when Louis walked up and stood a few feet away from him. He was so fucking hot.

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