Harry and Louis: My little Barista

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Harry Styles was undoubtedly the most famous pop star of his time. He was gorgeous and charismatic which made all the girls fling themselves at him. Even in the small town of Mountview Wyoming, everyone knew his name, the whole town was buzzing of how they might get to catch a glance at him. Well everyone except Louis Tomlinson, in fact he’d never even heard of the pop icon. Louis wasn’t one to keep up with the media or what went on in the world, and the only music he listened to was the track list that floated through the Starbucks in which he worked. His store might have been full of chatter about Harry Styles, but Louis didn’t pay any attention to them.

         Harry was going to be stationed in Mountview for a week, so he figured he should become familiar with the area. That’s how he found himself wandering the streets of the town surrounded by flat plains with wild animals grazing. He stumbled upon a Starbucks, which lucky for him was fairly empty. Only about three customers were seated at the tables, and two workers were behind the counter. One was a girl with long brown hair, quite fit, but just not Harry’s type. The other was a bloke with feathered brown hair that went perfectly with his piercing blue eyes. The only skin that was showing from under his apron was beautifully tanned. Harry couldn’t take his eyes of the man scurrying behind the counter carrying people’s drinks. “Erica!” He called out. Harry thought his voice was the only sound that would ever be worthy of being compared to the angels. The girl pranced over to him, sticking her bobs out and giggling as he handed her, her drink. Her face dropped when he showed no interest in her and continued on with his work. Harry walked up to the register ready to order. “Hello what can I get you?” He smiled brightly showing off his practically perfect teeth. He looked down to his uniform where ‘Louis’ was printed in the middle of his apron. “Well Louis may I please have a grande trip please?” Harry asked trying to use his famous charm to get him intrigued of his presence. “Will that be all?” His voice captivating Harry’s ears., who simply nodded. “Okay your total is $1,29.” Harry needed another reason to see him, so he reached at his pockets pretending nothing was in them. “Oops seems I forgot my wallet. How about I pay for it later at dinner tonight?” Harry winked and made his dimples, that no one could resist, present. “This one will just be on the house, I’m not one to date unfamiliar people, sorry sir. But can I have your name, I’ll call you when your drink is ready.” He held up a pen and a cup in his hands. Harry’s brain went into shock, he’d never had someone no know if him “Harry Styles.” Harry tried his hardest to spark something in Louis’ brain to know of him. “A first name would have sufficed, I’ll call you when your drink is ready.” And with that Louis went behind the drink station to continue working.

         Harry went back to his hotel confused and defeated. He’d never experienced rejection and wasn’t quite sure what to do next, he figured the only thing he could do was to try again tomorrow. Louis woke up the next morning and continued his daily routine to work. Today when he went it, he was paying attention to the conversations around him. “Do you think Harry Styles will make a stop here?” “Well he does have a small gig here in Mountview so it is quite possible.” That only confused Louis. He’d never heard of Harry Styles and now there are two in this small town. After a few hours non other than Harry walked into the store. Girls were all running up to him and taking pictures, which Louis just figured it was because he was attractive. Louis began to study over the boy, he was extremely good looking, the way he smiled showing off his dimples and his eyes were a breath taking green. “Hello? Can you take my order, I kind of have to get to work!” A customer was waving his hand in front of Louis’ face. He’d been too into staring at Harry he hadn’t seen the line that had formed. Soon the line had grown smaller, but next in line was Harry. “So, Louis are you still going to reject my offer?” Harry winked leaning on the counter. “Let me guess, you forgot your wallet again? Don’t worry about it another $1.29 wont kill the business.” Louis was trying to get him to leave so he could help other customers. “I’m not leaving until you let me take you to dinner.” “No, move we have a line behind you!” Louis complained, only causing Harry to sit up on the counter. “Like I said I’m not leaving.” “Hey can you order already?” Customers were growing impatient. “Fine! I’m off at seven. “Harry kissed Louis’ cheek and hopped off the counter. Louis tried working but more people were talking with Harry and taking pictures, some even had him signing things, which only cause Louis to wonder, who was Harry Styles?

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