harry and louis: Things lou dosn't notice *Self harm*

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Harry splashed cold water on his face, not only to wash off the acne scrub, but to see if he’d wake up from this nightmare he was in.

He leaned over the counter, water dripping off of his pink lips and the tips of his nose and hair. Some water droplets ran down his cheeks, combining with his own tears as he shuddered from the cold draft.

Harry looked at the scale only a couple inches from his toes.

As if he would look at the decreasing number again, no, he couldn’t torture himself like this, he needed to stop.

He reluctantly hugged his way-too-slim torso, his fingers lightly cruising over his ribs as he did.

What would his mother think? What would the fans think? What would Louis think?

Harry started to panic.

He was aware of his mistake, and he tried so hard to just get back on track.

He had no luck.

He tried to eat, but it was like his body was trained, he just threw it back up.

Now he was screwed, wasting away and screwed.

As if he dared look at the number on the scale. He peeked, just wanting to know…


Oh my God…

He was so screwed if anyone found out…

His ears perked up, heart beating fast in his chest as he heard the door shut and an overly energetic Louis called into the flat,

“Harry? Haz, you here sweetcheeks?”

A hard lump formed in his throat as his breath quickened, oh please not now.

“Haz?” Louis called again, his voice clearer as he escalated the stairs.

“Lou…” He whimpered.

Harry heard his friend’s pace quicken towards the bathroom and he twist the knob.

Good thing Harry locked it…

“Harry, what’s wrong?” The older boy asked, his voice filled with worry.

Harry tried swallowing the acidic liquid in the back of his throat, burning as it went back down.

“Fine” Harry gasped “But I think I’m gonna…”

And with that, Harry ducked his head above the toilet, emptying the rest of his stomach’s contents into the porcelain bowl.

Harry soon felt cold air reach his wet body, hearing a gasp escape his friend’s lips.

“Harry…” Louis said as his eyes scanned over Harry’s thin body. “What have you done?”

Harry sat down on the cold tiles, defeated.

“How’d you get in?” He croaked, gagging at the taste in his mouth.

Louis said nothing, only raising his arm to show Harry the key between his fingers.

Harry felt stupid, they always kept a spare key outside the bathroom, stupid.

“Lou I…” Harry sighed, knowing exactly what he wanted to say, but not wanting his best friend to hear it.

Louis walked over and kneeled in front of Harry, his eyes still taking in the damage Harry had done to himself. He raised his arm cautiously as if to touch his curly haired friend, but afraid that Harry would break under his touch.

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