liam and harry: caught

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Harry quietly tiptoed into the house, not even daring to turn on the lights as he dropped his keys on the table next to the door and quietly locked it behind him.  He and all the other boys had been at Nick Grimshaw’s for one of his infamous parties, but about an hour into the celebration Liam had gone home, complaining of a headache.

  The curly-haired boy crept up the stairs, careful not to disturb Liam in case he was sleeping.  He stopped outside the door, a little surprised to see a faint bluish-white glow coming from underneath the door.  It looked like Liam had his TV or computer on, but surely if Liam had a headache, he wouldn’t be able to look directly into anything as bright as a screen.

  Harry gently turned the doorknob and slowly started to peek his head in.  He figured maybe Liam couldn’t sleep, and was going to offer to get him some paracetamol or maybe some warm milk. “Liam?  Can I – oh, shit!” Harry stopped suddenly, his eyes widening as he saw what was going on in Liam’s room.

  Liam was sitting on his bed, a box of tissues sitting readily next to him along with a bottle of cheap lotion.  His computer was open, soft grunts and moans coming from the speakers, and it didn’t take a lot of guessing for Harry to figure out that Liam was watching porn.  His jeans were undone, his hand still grasping his erection as Liam blinked up at Harry, shell-shocked and trying to absorb what had happened.

  Liam quickly tossed his laptop away from him, pulling the blankets up over his body, but it was too late. “Harry!  W…what are you doing home?” Liam stammered, eyes wide as saucers.

  Harry slowly padded into the room, the door swinging shut behind him. “I came back early to check on you, but it looks like you’re doing just fine.” He said, unable to stop the smirk that spread across his lips.

  Liam’s cheeks were bright crimson now, his sparkling brown eyes alight with embarrassment. “Oh…um, yeah.  I feel a lot better now, thanks.”

 “There’s nothing to be ashamed of,” Harry murmured, walking over and taking a seat on the edge of the bed.  He could feel his own length growing hard knowing what Liam had been up to, but he tried to ignore it.

  “I know,” Liam murmured, not sounding like he fully believed it.

  “What were you watching, anyway?” Harry asked, unable to picture the boy actually watching porn.  Maybe it was just an enthusiastic kissing scene.  Or a couple holding hands, he thought to himself with a smirk, but he bit back the urge to say it.

  “Erm…gay porn,” Liam admitted.

  Harry froze, unable to deny the arousal that washed over him. “Blimey…I didn’t know you…” He couldn’t seem to find the right words, and his sentence trailed off.

  “I don’t know, I guess I’ve always kind of wondered what it would be like to be with another guy.” Liam confessed, his teeth grazing over his lower lip absently.

  Harry watched, fascinated by the patterns of dark red his teeth left as they scraped the pink skin of his lip. “I could show you,” He suddenly said.  He didn’t even know why he’d said it; it had just sort of slipped out, but as soon as the words were out of his mouth, he was glad he’d said it.  He was starting to grow hard now, his length painfully restricted by his jeans.

  Liam paused, his eyes searching Harry’s for some sign that this was a joke, but none came.  He knew Harry wasn’t straight – he wasn’t sure he was completely gay, but he’d always been more interested in men than women – and Liam had fancied the curly haired boy for quite some time, in all honesty.  The idea of what Harry was offering overwhelmed him, and he could feel the mix of fear and arousal stirring low in his stomach.

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