harry and louis: why did you?

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 Louis and Harry were best friends, have been since they were little. They were the friends that kissed each others cheeks and cuddled at night. Pretty much inseparable. Neither of them minded, in fact they both enjoyed it. When they were old enough, they saved up their money and bought a decent sized flat together. Louis believed that since they lived together now they would be closer than ever. How wrong he was. Harry would go out every night and come home at unearthly hours, completely drunk. He had tried to talk to his friend about his odd behavior many times, but Harry would get defensive and storm out. Harry soon started ignoring Louis all together and the only time the older boy would see him was when he was cranky and hangover. Louis was torn; he wanted to think that Harry would stop this but a big part of him was adver even notice anything with wrong. It was breaking Louis that he was losing his best friend, the man he loved. vising him to give him on the curly haired boy. The option of giving up was getting stronger, to the point where Louis had turned to drugs to numb his pain. He used them frequently, knowing Harry would never know.

 One day Louis was in bed, up on his laptop, until ha heard footsteeps, knowing that they were Harry's. Harry walked in without knocking "Hey, Lou, can I use you phone mines dead and i ccant find the charger." Harry said as he threw his blackberry on Louis' bed. "Yeah its in my coat pocket, on the floor." As HArry made his way to the coat Louis just remembered his drugs in his pocket. Not knowing what pocket he out his phone in. "NO!" Louis yelled. "Lou whats going on? Are you hiding somethin from me?" HArry took the coat and went inside bith pockets and guess what Harry found... Louis' drugs.

 "harry.. im sorry... its the only thing that made me feel better when you left.." Louis said tears streaming down his cheeks

 "But Lou why would you turn to this? You could of just talked to me." Harry said, walking up to Louis ready to hug his best friend. Louis just then ran out of the room in tears, while Harry stud there stunned about to go catch his friend.

 "NO I couldn't every time I tried to talk to you ignored me haz, I love you and you just left and when you came back you still didn't talk to me. I want to fix things like they we before we moved in together. I thought things were going to be better. We would be closer then ever, and that's all I want I want you." lou said crying.

"I-im so so so sorry lou." harry hugged lou but Louis pushed him away. Harry looked at him in disbelief.

"Do you even love me anymore harry!?" Lou said.

"Of course I do lou-bear, I loved you from the start. Since I layed eyes on you I thought to myself 'that kid I have to have'. When you said you wanted to move in together my heart skipped a beat I couldn't believe you asked me, out of every other boy, I got to move in with the boy I loved. Yes, I did leave and yes, I did ignore you, and I only stopped talking to you because I didn't want to loose you and I didn't want to screw anything up. Im sorry I came home drunk and yelled at you. Im so so so so soo sorry lou-bear" harry said grabbing Louis's hand and standing him.

"Yes I do love you, I love you more then ever" harry said laying his forehead on Louis's.

"I love you to" lou said kissing harry.

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