Harry and Louis: Ghost

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A/N: Hey i just wated to ask what one shots do you want? comment what bromance and i will try my best to do them :)

It had been months, several months since Louis’ death. How many? Harry didn’t know. All he knew was every new day was another without Louis and that really, really sucked. Painfully so, and call him over-dramatic, but he wasn’t sure how much longer he could cope. 

Louis was everywhere Harry went, despite not actually… being there. His shadow followed him, haunting him, breathing down is neck. And Harry couldn’t take it, not really.

Most days, Harry just locked himself in his bedroom, curled up on Louis’ side of the bed which only faintly still smelled like him and remembered. Remembering the shallow times where him and Louis fought, remembering the times him and Louis kissed and made love and where they lay intwined in bed. He missed Louis. His soft hair and toned body. Missed the line of freckles behind his left ankle and his how his palms felt in Harry’s own. 

All Harry wanted, needed, was Louis. It was simple, yet something so out of reach, so impossible that it made Harry sick. He should grateful for the moments he shared with the once petite boy, but the moments they shared weren’t enough and maybe that’s selfish but Harry needed a forever which he could never get. 

Louis was swallowing him whole without even being there. He was on the radio, when that one song came on - one by Christiana Perrie or something of the sorts -, he was there when the radio played their song. He was sitting next to Harry, sending faint smiles and licking his lips. Or at least he was in Harry’s imagination. He was in the bathroom rubbing fruity shampoo into Harry’s head of curls and pecking his lips. He was sitting on the stairs outside their house, waiting for Harry to arrive because he had forgot his own keys again. He was toddling along side Harry as they walked home from the bakery.

Louis was everywhere. And that absolutely terrified Harry.


A year on and Harry kind of figured it was time. Time to suck it the hell up and try to get over Louis. Maybe not find someone else, but just try to live once more. He was a widow at 21 for goodness sake, he should at least try to live the rest of his life. And he tried. He really, really tried but it was hard.

He was strong, strong enough to plaster on a smile and walk outside and laugh at Niall’s pathetic attempts of cheering him up because c’mon, Harry, it’s been a year.

For a while it works, Harry falls into a routine. He wakes up, eats, dresses, goes outside, actually tries at work, sometimes meet up with the lads and then he’d fall asleep. It worked, is the thing and maybe Harry wasn’t one hundred percent happy (total happiness didn’t seem possible without Louis), but he was comfortable with it. 

However, a while is only a while. It comes suddenly, though Harry’s sure it’s been building up for a while, he could tell. He was sitting at his kitchen table, the seat opposite him being occupied by nothing, and then he gets chills. It starts in his fingers, makes his hands shake and suddenly shivers are rippling through his body and tears are spilling from his eyes and he’s remembering again. Harry feels Louis’ arm circling around his waist, holding his frame close, speaking words of comfort and it pains Harry because when he opens his eyes nothing’s there, nothing. 

And Harry’s figures that’s bad, because it’s been a year and five months now and he still needs Louis to function. He still needs him there, still needs him to be a constant in life even though he clearly can’t be, can’t ever be. 

Louis. Louis. Louis. Louis. Louis. Louis.

It plays like a mantra in his head, an annoying Taylor Swift song and it hurts. Louis with his blue eyes and soft touch and genuine smile.

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