"I know you're lying, Adaley. What did you two do?" Harry asked, voice becoming stern. No matter how much he loved the little girl he wouldn't tolerating her lying. Adaley looked up with tear filled eyes.

"We went through pictures of Mommy and me. I found the books while Uncle Terr was getting popcorn." She said in a weak voice and the tears started to fall down her cheeks. They started slow at first before she was sobbing uncontrollably. Harry rushed to her side and picked her up, setting her in his lap after he sat down in the chair she had previously occupied. She gripped his shirt as she cried her little heart out and Harry rubbed her back gently, heart breaking as her small frame shook. He shushed her gently and kissed her head.

"It's going to be okay, princess." Harry whispered and Louis walked in, smile falling when he saw Adaley crying. He went to sit next to Harry and gently sat his hand on Harry's knee, Harry giving him a sad smile.

"I miss Mommy so much." She whimpered and Harry felt a tear roll down his face. Louis reached up and wiped it away. He held his hands out and Harry gently handed Adaley over. The little girl curled up into a ball in Louis' lap. Louis took a deep breath before speaking.

"Ada. I want you to look at me and listen, okay?" He asked softly and Adaley nodded, looking up at him with red eyes. Louis gave her a sad smile and wiped off the remaining tears.

"O-okay Daddy." She whispered, voice cracking slightly.

"I know it hurts to lose someone you love. I lost my grandmum two years ago this month. I was absolutely gutted. Besides my mum she was my best friend and it hurt me so bad when I lost her. Before she passed away I get to see her. Do you want to know what she told me?" Louis asked and the little girl nodded slowly, making Louis smile. "She told me that when she dies to not cry over her death but to rejoice over her life. Remember what you told Daddy? You told him that Mommy wouldn't want us to be sad. Your mommy would want you to remember all the fun things you guys did together." He told her gently and Adaley nodded. She closed her eyes and started to giggle.

"I remember one time Mommy and I were waiting for Uncle Terr to get home from a trip and when he came in the door we started to throw plastic food at him! I hit him in the bad area with a banana!" She cheered and Louis laughed loudly, making Harry smile.

"There you go. Every time you start to get sad think of something you guys did that made you happy." Louis said with a half-smile and kissed her temple. "Now. I don't know about you but I'm starving." He chuckled and Adaley nodded.

"Uncle Terr doesn't know how to cook so he gave me cold pizza for breakfast." She giggled and Harry snorted, making Louis glare at him.

"Your papa can't cook either. One time in the X-Factor house I taught him how to make chicken stuffed with mozzarella cheese, wrapped in Parma ham with some homemade mash on the side. That was the first ever meal he made and it was amazing." Harry said proudly and Louis blushed darkly, sticking his tongue out at Harry. Harry snorted and continued to work on breakfast with Adaley on his hip. "Baby? Can you set the table? Breakfast is almost ready." He asked and Louis nodded. Harry piled the pancakes on the plate that was sitting next to the stove as Adaley nuzzled her face into Harry's neck,

"Here, let me get that." Louis murmured and sat the plate of pancakes on the table. Harry tried to set Adaley in her own chair but she whined, only clinging to him tighter.

"I wanna sit with you, Daddy." She murmured and Harry, against his better judgement, nodded and sat down with Adaley on his lap. They ate in silence and Harry struggled to eat around Adaley's head. Eventually they were all done and Louis cleaned up their dishes. Adaley sat back and looked up at Harry. "What are we gonna do today?" she asked shyly and Harry shrugged, looking over at Louis.

"First I'd like to clean up around the flat. It's messy here." Harry told them and stood up, setting her on the ground. "Ada, I'd like you to please go pick up your toys and then work on your room. You left it a bit of a messy yesterday." He instructed and the girl nodded, disappearing down the hall. Louis leaned against the counter and looked intensely at Harry who was vigorously wiping down the kitchen table. Louis could tell something was on Harry's mind and he gently touched Harry's shoulder, making the younger man jump.

"What's wrong?" Louis asked softly and Harry shrugged.

"I don't know. I just feel off. It might be because the funeral is on Friday but I just don't know." Harry mumbled and sat down at the table, dropping his head into his hands. Louis frowned and kissed the top of his love's head.

"You're going to feel off for a while, Harry. It's what happens when you lose someone close to you. What you need to do is surround yourself with your family." Louis gently told him and Harry nodded, breathing deeply. "C'mon. Let's get the housework done and then we can do something fun, yeah?" he suggested and Harry nodded, standing up and kissing Louis' lips gently. They spent the rest of the day cleaning and just enjoying time with one another.

Together (Sequel to Slipping Away)Where stories live. Discover now