"Sure," Blaise says going beside her so they could walk together.

Maddy gave me a small smile and I could see what she was doing. She wanted me to walk with Draco. I look at Draco, who's waiting for me and I walk up beside him.

"Okay, let's go," I say walking towards the door.

As we walk I look at the table to see if I can find Ben. I haven't seen him since our first class and he didn't sit with us at lunch. I see him sitting with Olly and I smile at him. He smiles and waves at me. Then his emotion completely changes when he sees Draco. His face goes cold, sad even. I look up at Draco who has obviously seen Ben too and isn't showing any emotion.

That was another thing that I didn't understand about Draco. He never let you know what he was thinking. He kept his emotions bottled up inside and I could never tell what he was feeling except for when he was smiling. Even then, it might have just been an act.

Draco puts his hand on my arm and I look at him.

"What's with him?" Draco asks as Ben slowly leaves my sight.

"I'm not sure," I say as we leave the hall and turn down the corridor.

I can hear Maddy still talking about positions and Blaise answering her questions.

"He likes you," Draco says out of nowhere.

I almost died right there when he said that. I never thought of Ben that way. I never even considered it. We're best friends. We could never..I mean..it would be so...I don't know. But there was no way Ben liked me. Not like that.

"What makes you say that?" I say, obviously showing how shocked I am.

Draco laughs and shakes his head.

"I can just tell," Draco says looking down at me.

I have no interest in talking about it anymore so I think of a quick way to change the subject.

"Are you trying out for the Quidditch team?" I ask

"Yup. I'm trying for seeker" Draco says confidentiality. "Are you trying?" He asks

Now, what do I do? I'm trying for seeker too. Should I just tell him? It could be fun, maybe he'll like the challenge.

"Yeah I'm trying, and you should know that seeker is my specialty," I say nudging his ribs.

"Oh is that so?" He says raising his eyebrows. "I'll keep that in mind," he says with a small grin.

We walk back to the common room door and Draco taps the wall and the walls move to let us in. After all this time it still amuses me how the walls move on their own. We all walk in and Maddy thanks Blaise for dealing with all her questions.

Maddy and the rest of the girls were sad to hear that I was getting my own room but I still go to their room every once in a while to talk and hang with them. Although I always sleep in my room considering the bigger bed.

Blaise sits on the couch and Draco sits beside him.

"Wanna play?" Blaise asks Draco as he looks at the chessboard on the table.

"You're on," Draco says moving to the other side of the board.

"We'll be back," I say to the boys as I grab Maddy's arm and pull her towards my corridor.

Draco gives me a small smile and returns to his game and Maddy walk to my room. We walk in and she's amazed. I realize that she hasn't been here yet and it must be a little overwhelming.

"Oh my god Elena. This is amazing" she says looking around.

"Isn't it?" I say

"Anyway. I need some advice" I say sitting in my bed.

"With what?" Maddy says sitting beside me.

"I think Ben likes me," I say nervously, looking down

"I know," Maddy says

"What?!" I say snapping up to look at her.

"I know," she says so casually

"You know what?" I say getting nervous

"That he likes you silly," she says play slapping my arm

"How do you know?" I ask

"He told me," she says smiling

And just like that, my world stopped. Not in a good way, but in a way that made you want to die. Ben liked me, and I didn't like him back.

Sorry that took so long guys. I was super busy this weekend. <3

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