Parker Stevens; Chapter Twenty-One

Start from the beginning

                “What?” I asked quickly. He huffed.

                “I’m sorry as long as you’re sorry.” He mumbled more coherently this time.

                “What!?” I exclaimed- flabbergasted.

                “I said I’m sorry as long as you’re sorry, Jesus Grace, I’m not repeating myself again!”  He shouted in my face. I flinched back.

                “But...You can’t apologize. It’s-it’s not allowed!” I frowned, shouting back at him.

                “I just did, but only as long as you’re sorry.” He said slowly. His eyes went down, looking down at my IPod in my lap before looking back at me through his dark lashes.

                My breath caught in my throat.

                Everything around me felt blurred.

                I could never feel this way with anyone else. I saw sincerity in his eyes and I knew it was what he wanted. He wanted me to be sorry and he was sorry. So what was holding me back from apologizing?

                The fact that his face was way too close to my own. The fact that his eyes were burning holes into my own. The fact that my stomach was a giant knot ever since he came over here. The fact that I only got nervous around him. And, finally, the fact that Parker wasn’t a bad person. He had just been through a lot in his life. It was understandable that he was quite protective of himself.

                That’s when it hit me.

                I like Parker.

                I like him.

                Oh, my god.

                Instantly a blush rose up my neck and up to my cheeks.

                He raised an eyebrow at me.

                “So, Grace, are you sorry?”

                Was I sorry? Maybe I should just nod.

                My head nodded without my consent but he didn’t seem to notice. His eyes were flashing from the blush on my cheeks to my lips. His small smile faded as he stared down at them, his head moving forward almost as if he was in a trance.

                I wasn’t controlling my body anymore, that was for sure. Some unexplainable force was. My eyes began to flutter closed as I felt his warm breath on my lips.

                His hand, or what I guessed was his hand, pressed up against my cheek, pulling my head up towards his.

                “Grace,” He whispered. His lips were less than a millimetre away from my own and my insides were longing, yearning, for him to just close that small space and just kiss me already. “Grace, I-”

                Something vibrated against my leg and we both jumped, my eyes flying open just as Parker’s forehead collided with my own.

                “Shit!” I exclaimed, holding my head with my hand and grabbing at my phone with my other. I clicked a button and the phone showed that I had one new message. I dropped my phone on the ground and stared at Parker.

Parker Stevens, I Can Hold a GrudgeWhere stories live. Discover now