Parker Stevens; Chapter Eight

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so I decided for like a thing I'm going to start doing every chapter, I'm going to put an idie/not mainstream song that I think should be known or that you guys should listen to. so, this upload's song is Pumped up Kicks by Foster the People. lovelovelovelovelove this song. it doesn't go with the chapter but whatever, it's great.

also, if anyone has any ideas for revenge against Parker that they would like to see happen, share them in the comments? I have a ton but I wanna see what you guys think haha

vote/comment/fan pwease:3

oh, and I changed the categories from teen fiction/romance too teen fiction/humor < it should totally say humour. darn american spelling.

anyways, rambling now, enjoy the chapter(: 

hello to any new readers *waves* since you guys seem to be appearing outta no whereXD


It was the next day after my first detention ever when Parker decided to get back at me. 

Have you had the realization that someone has turned you into a monster? A horrible, detention getting, anger management issue, revenge seeking monster? 

Well, I have. 

But I have also never met anyone as horrible as Parker Stevens. 

And it hit me the moment after the bucket of paint hit my face and clothes.

I have never hated someone as much as I hated Parker. It wasn't dislike. Or contempt. It was pure, undisguised hatred. 

“Whoops. Sorry Grace,” Parker said casually as I wiped paint from my eyes. The look I gave him was the most murderous one I could muster at the moment. Then, he had the guts to walk up to me.  “You remember how yesterday I said I wasn't as bad as you think I am? Well, Grace Tailor, I am worse than your worst nightmare.” He said into my ear. Then, he placed a smirk on his face before turning around on his heel and walking away. 

I wasn't going to cry. I wasn't going to give him the satisfaction.  

Tears bit at the back of my eyelids as I glanced around the hallway. It was after school but everyone had stopped to stare. A lot of people were laughing but some gave me sympathetic glances. Like they knew what I had started by accident. 

I quickly ran down the hallway and into the closest bathroom. I shut myself in a stall and grabbed an enormous amount of toilet paper in my hands and began wiping away the paint from my clothes and face. After a few minutes, I felt the tears sliding down my cheeks. Embarrassed tears. 

How could he get to me like that? I guess I kind of put it on myself though. If I hadn't started this whole game, I wouldn't have ended up in a bathroom stall, crying, with pink Pepto-Bismol coloured paint splattered against my clothes. 

The door to the bathroom opened with a loud creak and a slapped a hand over my mouth, not wanting anyone to hear my crying. Footsteps echoed against the cold tile before a voice spoke up. 

“Grace? I know you're in here.” I heard Bri's voice echo against the empty washroom. 

I unlocked the door and pushed it open, hoping that would give her the notion that she could come in. A moment later her head appeared in the stall. I sniffled and her eyes held sympathy and fury mixed up in one. 

“I hate him so much Bri.” I said quietly, looking down at the ground and sliding down against the stall wall to the ground. Bri sat down beside me and patted my arm. 

“I have a plan Grace, but you are really going to need to grow a backbone and let whatever he does to you happen. Because what we do is going to be a thousand times worse than anything he could ever do. Grace, we are going to RUIN Parker Stevens. I pinkie-promise.” She held up her pinkie to my own and I smiled at her before wrapping my own pinkie around her own.

Parker Stevens, I Can Hold a GrudgeUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum