Chapter 25

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*Helloooo my loooovely kitten! Sorry for the slow updates, lots of drama and I'm sick of it ... oh well. I'll try to be on more often(: Thank youuu love you!*



Niall's POV

We were at the park after the restaurant incident, I think we should start cooking food at the house instead.

Sitting in the grass, I turned so I was next to her instead of facing her. No, I wasn't going to make a move on her, I wanted her to be able to trust me before I tried anything. 

"So. What's your favorite pass time? Other than skateboarding and dancing?" I asked.

"Hm... I like to draw, photo realistic images, and I like going to amusement parks." she hesitated for a second "but only for roller coasters. It annoys me so much when people go to amusement parks and whine about not wanting to go on the rides. That's what the parks are for bitch." she said with attitude. 

She obviously got very worked up about that. "Sounds like fun."

"It is, you?" she said.

"Well, I don't have much free time, this is the first break we've gotten in a while, yet we still have to work during it. I guess I like to play football (soccer), me and the lads do it often."

"You know Messi?" she asked.

"Of course, he's only the best football player in the world" I replied scoffing.

She chuckled and looked straight ahead of her. "Damn right he is." she paused for a moment then casually said, "I have a shirt signed by him" 

My eyes shot open and I turned my head to look at her.

"You WHAT?!" I exclaimed. "Yep, my friend Matt took me when I was 15 to a Barcelona game, I got to take a picture and get a signature with him"

Still in shock, I said "I'm famous and I couldn't even get a Messi signed shirt" 

She frowned, "playing the famous card? I knew that shit got to your head"


Crystal's POV

Did he seriously just say that? I'm famous and I couldn't even get a Messi signed shirt

"No no no... I didn't mean it like that, I was joking!" he said in defense. 

Did you really. "Well just because you're famous doesn't mean you get everything you want. Not everyone has a perfect life like you"

"I know I didn't mean it that way!" 

"Sure you didn't. You're telling me you're not used to everything going your way and getting everything you want?" I said a little loudly.

"Of COURSE not!" he exclaimed raising his voice, then lowering it again "My whole life is controlled... When I signed with Syco, I had to agree with a contract that Modest and my other management could control my public appearance! Practically all my actions are controlled!" 

"If I were you, I'd be fighting back. They can't control you" I argued.

"Not that easy Crys, they own me." he sighed.

That's it, you CAN'T control someone else's life like that. 

"Bullshit, you're Niall Horan! It wouldn't be One Direction without you, your fans would go ballistic, and the company would be screwed. Therefore you could stand up to them." I stated, making my opinion nice and clear.

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