Chapter 2

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*Crystals POV*

Let me tell you a bit about myself. I'm 17 years old. I have wavy brown hair that reaches about four inches below my shoulders. I have brown hazel eyes that I inherited from my father, and I'm 5'4. Yes, I'm short for my age. Deal with it. 

I was born in London and most of my family lives there.

My parents divorced when I was 6. My dad left my mum in London and moved to California and took my little sister Avery with him, who is now 13

He didn't contact us until I turned 16 when he sent me lots of money for my birthday, about 20,000 dollars.

I haven't seen him since he left, and even though he sent me money, I didn't plan on seeing him again.

Being separated from your little sister for so long can make your opinion on someone change a lot, especially if they caused it.

It turns out that during these past 10 years my dad got a new job in California as an owner of a huge music company that sold record labels and signed lots of new artists every year.

I don't remember much about him, just awful thoughts of him leaving my mum alone. He took my little sister away from me.

I moved to New York once I finished high school, I was younger than most kids that were 18 when they graduated. I got a job as a clothing designer at a large company, and got the 'Vice President' position. It was a good job, but I'd rather be involved in something that includes drawing, dancing or skating.

If I hadn't been able to get this job and send some money to my mum back in London, we'd probably be living on the streets, or in Cher's basement. It's all my "dad's" fault.

There are only three words that I can think of when it comes to him.

I. Hate. Him.

*Present time*

"Get in the car chica were going SHOPPING!!!!" Cher screamed as she waved her car keys in the air.

I let out a loud laugh throwing my head back.

THIS is why she's my best friend. She always makes me feel better and I knew she wasn't gonna stop until she made me forget about Adam and have a good time.

I jumped in the passenger seat and she started the engine.

"RADIO TIME!!!" We both screamed at the same time

She turned the radio on and pulled out of the driveway, and we heard

"-like nobody else, the way the you flip your hair gets me overwhelmed,-"

"AAHHHHHHHH!!!!!!," Cher began to scream and fangirl like crazy.

I didn't have anything against One Direction but I wasn't a big fan. I honestly only knew one song and it was What Makes You Beautiful.

Cher decided to scream the song as loud as she could and I couldn't help but laugh as she did random dance moves. I don't understand directioners, why do they obsess on boys that they'll never meet??

With Cher dancing and moving around, at the moment I felt very unsafe being in the car with her...

The song ended and Cher was grinning from ear to ear like a mad person which I guess she is.

"You know who we haven't talked to in a while" Cher said out of nowhere.


"Saige and Mo! I haven't texted her in a couple weeks! I miss her"

Saige along with her sister Molly were both our friends and the same age of 17 and together we formed a "clique" some would say.

Unfortunately, the sisters had gone to Massachusetts to visit their family for a month and we hadn't heard much from them since.

However we would be going to pick them up at the airport in three days or so.

"Oh yeah true! We should ring them up sometime!"

"You know it girl! But we could always wait till they get here this week" Cher said while doing some strange type of happy dance.

I rolled my eyes, though I thought about how lucky I was to have such a good friend. She had already managed to cheer me up.

I realized something.

It took me less time than I thought to forget about Adam. Maybe I didn't love him as much as I thought I did? Who knows.

We pulled up into the mall parking lot and it was COMPLETELY packed. It was almost impossible to move.

After about 20 minutes of trying to find a parking spot and lots of Cher's curse words directed to people who stole her spots, we parked... with difficulty.

We opened the doors to the mall and went running in.

"Where to first sista?" I asked Cher.

"FOREVER 21!!!!!'' she screamed and started running towards the store, which just so happened to be on the other side of the mall.

I chuckled and ran after her when I heard her scream...

Same mistakes (One Direction Fanfiction)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora