Chapter 12

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Here's another chapter luvies! Uploaded on my phone so sorry for any grammar or spelling mistakes <3 Enjoy!!! xx

*Niall's POV*

What if people didn't push you away? If they realized that by opening up they would feel more at peace with themselves. It's not something you can understand. It just happens.

Pushing people away becomes a habit thats hard to break. When walls are put up, sometimes they're knocked down; sometimes they're not.

Crystal Jennings had a tight wall built up around her. It wasn't easy to see; she used her confidence to block it. Sure, she could joke around and act as if she didn't care, but her eyes told a different story.

Whether it was insecurity or fear, or pain or desire, Crystal was broken. She didn't want anyone to fix her. I just met her and I can already tell she's independent. Support? Sure, go ahead. Help her? No way. She fought her own battles.

I don't know much about her, but I'm determined to find out what made those walls build up and tear them down. Teach her how to let people in and accept the fact that she can't do everything on her own.

I learned, I rely on my friends when I'm down. I know that my friends and family will always be there for me to pick me back up. Crystal trusts her friends and would tell them anything, but wouldn't ask for help.

If she were to accept that things can be done together and not alone, she would feel better about herself. I want to change that.

"Hey mate you all right?" Liam asked putting one hand on my shoulder and snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Yeah, just thinking." I rested my head on the window and wondered, why would such a beautiful girl push everyone away?

Her brown hair and eyes, her tall long figure, her crooked smile with perfect teeth. Even the small dimple at the corner of her mouth was purely beautiful, pulling anyone who met her into her trance. She looks so innocent, yet she radiates such an intense and powerful feeling it makes you feel small.

Driving back from TGI Friday's where Crystal had caused her scene with the waitress, we all huddled in the back of Louis's black van.

"Were here everyone, out you go!" Louis exclaimed parking the car in the house's garage, boys and girls piling out of the car one by one.

"I think it's time we go to bed don't you?" Saige asked yawning.

My eyes shot open. "Are you crazy?! It's only ten and we left early and didn't get to eat a proper meal!"

Everyone had already entered the house except for Saige and Louis.

"Just get something to eat in the kitchen, we're all going to sleep Ni." Louis said.

"Good night Ni" Saige and Lou chorused before they left me alone in the garage.

"Get something from the kitchen" I mocked. I'm a growing boy, you can't neglect me from my food.

I walked inside closing the door and headed towards the kitchen. I heard the refrigerator door close, and I peered around to see who it was.

"Crystal?" I asked.

The figure turned around. "The very one"

I noticed she had a lot of food in her hands.

"Whatcha makin' there?" I asked.

"My famous Crystal Sandwich if you must know" she snapped back.

"After all," she added "we didn't get to eat anything at the restaurant and I'm a growing girl, I need my food."

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