Chapter 13

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Hi luvies! I realized that I don't know if anyone's actually reading this.. so if you are reading could you please comment? Cuz I feel like I'm writing for nothing... So please comment and vote! (: thanks <3


I groaned and sat up in bed. I rubbed my eyes and opened them. As my eyes began to focus I looked around the room realizing where I was. My dad's beach house in my room with Cher, wait, where was Cher?

I sat up groggily. One thing about me? I'm not a morning person unless I have a reason to be in a really REALLY good mood.

Not bothering to change out of my pajamas, I trotted downstairs lazily. I walked into the living room first, no one there. Kitchen maybe? Yep. Everyone but Louis and Harry was sitting at the table eating breakfast.

"Ugh there was food and no one told me? I officially hate you all." I grunted, walked to the fridge and opened the door.

I grabbed a yogurt, an apple, cereal and milk. I got everything together and went to sit down, between Saige and Cher. 

"Why didn't you wake me up this morning?" I asked turning to Cher.

"Oh I tried trust me, I did. But you decided to sit up, growl at me, throw a pillow at me, and go back to sleep!" she said.

Oh, well I didn't remember that. "Oops sorry then" I replied chuckling.

"GOOOD MORNING CRYSTAL!!!" Louis screamed entering the room with Harry.

His loud voice rang in through my ears and to my brain, my senses snapped.

"Oh Jesus here we go..." Molly muttered.


"Well someones not a morning person..." Harry said.

"No flippin DUH." I snapped back.

That boy got ON. MY. NERVES.

I quickly ate my breakfast and surprisingly finished at the same time as everyone else who had got here before me.

"So what's the plan for today, because if we don't have anything planned I'm gonna go looking for a skating park or something." I asked, bored of the silence.

"We could go shopping?" Zayn and Saige said at the same time.

They both blushed. I raised my eyebrows. "Um sure, I'll buy a new board then, but lets leave soon I still gotta find a park." 

"Okay I'll buy you a board and then I challenge you to a skate off." Harry said winking.

I snorted, ''Fine, but it better be a good board and sure. I'll take that bet Styles." 

I saw Niall glaring at Harry, geez what happened there? "Anyone else wanna watch me kick Curly's ass?" I said trying not to laugh.

"Yeah sure" Niall said. "I'll tag along too if that okay" Liam added.

"Okay! So let's all head off to the mall" Cher said.

"Wait, where's Avery?" I wondered, I hadn't seen her since last night when we got home.

"She headed out this morning, I think she said she was meeting up with a friend" Cher replied doubtfully.

"Hmm... okay..." Something wasn't right here.


"Seriously, theres NO room in this whole van?!" I exclaimed. 

"Nope sorry Crys, you'll have to sit on someones lap too" Cher said. She was sitting on Liam's lap, and Saige was sitting on Molly. Crap. That means one of the boys. 

"Fine" I muttered looking around at the boys. 

"Here love, you can sit with me" Harry said with a smirk.

"Erm no I'm good." I said, and turned to Zayn, I knew he wouldn't think of it any less than an obligation. Niall and Harry though? They might get the wrong idea.

"Zayn can I sit with you?" I asked, begging him to say yes with my eyes so that I didn't have to sit with Niall or Harry.

"Sure love" he replied. 

I sat down on his lap and looked up to be met at the glares Niall and Harry were giving me. Wait- Zayn... Oh geez are they jealous? Might as well have a little fun with it.

I turned and whispered at Zayn " Hey, I'm gonna mess with Niall and Harry, do me a favor and help me out?" 

He turned and face me, so that I could feel his warm breath on the tip of my nose. "Of course" 

I leaned into his ear seducingly and whispered, "Bite your lip"

He did as told, and she removed her face from his ear.

"good job, keep it up" I said quietly so only he could hear.

I moved around a little to get comfortable on his lap, he put his hands on my hips to steady me.

Out of the corner of my eye, I could see Harry obviously pissed and looking out the window. Niall however was looking down at the floor, almost sad.

Louis was in the drivers seat, and he started the engine. 



"Okay Harry, Niall, Liam, and Crys go to the skate shop thats down that way," Saige said pointing in one direction "And the rest of us are gonna go to a different store okay?"

Saige had always been organized and calmer than all of us.

"Okay lets go boys."  I said. We all split off after giving eachother our numbers in case we split up.

We entered the store, there were so many skate boards, I was automatically in love.

"Pick whichever one you want babe, my treat." Harry said flirtatiously. 

"Yeah yeah I know, go pick your own now." 

After what seemed like hours of searching for the perfect one, I found one. It was a Batman skateboard that I had my eye on since 7th grade.

"OH MY GOD THIS ONE." I said pointing at it and jumping up and down. The boys walked over to see which one I had picked.

Niall laughed "Batman? Dang you get cooler every day!" 

I scowled, but then remembered that I told Niall I'd TRY to give him a chance, so I smiled and said "thanks"

He nodded and smiled back.

"Okay then, I found mine, so I'll go pay and then we'll find a park." Harry said taking the board off its rack and walking towards the cashier.

"This, boys, is going to be fun." I smirked

Harry Styles, you have no idea what you got yourself into.


Okay that was a really short update sorry! I just wanted another chapter up(: please keep reading I LOVE YOUUU <3



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