Chapter 24

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*If you do not read my notes then.... fuck you irrelevant cunt. I'm just kidding my kitty cats! I love you. But READ THESE MESSAGES! What if I were to tell you I was actually getting married to Niall? THEN would you listen?!?! No. Because you ignore me. And try to hurt my feelings. Offensive. Okay well here's your chapter you greedy children. THANK YOU FOR THOSE WHO READ THESE!!!




"Oh shut up Horan! I won fair and square AGAIN!" I exclaimed as I stepped out of the car and took my helmet off. I shook my hair loose once I took it out of the helmet and walked towards Niall's green car.

He got out and pouted. "No it's not fair! The first time you got a head start! The second time you distracted me and this time... well I don't know but I'm sure you cheated somehow!"

"Niall you don't learn. Never accuse a girl of cheating on a date. It's just plain rude." I turned around and began to walk away after making an offended/disgusted face at him.

I heard him mutter a curse, and run after me. "No! I'm sorry I didn't mean it like that! I was just-

"Gosh! You take things so seriously! Relaaaaax! I was just messing with you." I cut him off and turned to face him. I grinned like an idiot when I saw his face, it was a mixture of pure annoyance and embarrassment. 

"I'm sorry I just didn't want to mess this up!" 

"Niall. If you plan on taking this relationship anywhere, wether its couplewise or not, you need to learn what is sarcasm and what is not." I stated out the truth to him. True, I might put up a wall, but my personality was all me.

I tried to put on a serious face as I told him, but I ended up laughing like a maniac. I don't know what got into me today but I was in a good mood. Niall soon joined my giggle fit and we somehow ended up doubled over in laughter over.... well I don't know. But it was funny.

Once we got ourselves together and thanked the man who had helped us earlier, we exited the building. 

"Are we heading back to the house?" I asked him, slightly disappointed that the fun was already over. He was.... nice to hang around(:

"Of course not! This is only halfway done." he said smiling.

"Now can I know where we're going?" I asked slowly, exaggerating how I pronounced every word.

"Way to sound like Harry..." he chuckled.

"Oh no. You did NOT just compare my angelic voice to.. him...." I fake shuddered and Niall let out a loud laugh. 

Gosh. Cher had made me watch some video diaries before, not that I was paying attention. But the camera really didn't do him justice. His voice and laugh was just about a gazillion times more enchanting in person.

We got in the car and played some tunes on the way to, wherever we're going. Honestly, I was having too much fun to care.

At one point I had to try and control my laughter because when Niall laughs he closes his eyes, and when you close your eyes and drive... well bad things happen.

We arrived to the second destination, and I saw we were at a diner. I'm just glad it wasn't fancy, but it looked pretty happy. It was practically radiating with excitement. Niall walked out of the car and rushed to the side to open my door for me, but I reached it before him. 

"Thank you, but I'm more than capable of opening my own door." he looked down and I felt bad so I added, "It was very thoughtful though."

He looked up and smiled, I swear it was like giving a puppy a treat.

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