Chapter 8

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*I figured I'd stay up all night and post another chapter for my amazing readers because ilysm! i know not alot of people are reading but it still means so much that ive gotten so many votes and reads :) thank you! heres another chapter <3

-Ronnieeeee xx*

*Crystal's POV*

We drove about 2 hours in which we all laughed and enjoyed ourselves. Avery got along so well with us it was probably one of the best moments in my life.

Unfortunately all good things  come to an end, and we arrived to my dads house. Edward opened the limo door and I saw a HUGE mansion with another separate beach house just a block away (where we'd be staying). It was all literally yards away from the beautiful sandy beach I'd be living near for the next three months.

All of us except for Avery and Edward were staring at our surroundings, jaws dropped on the ground. We were speechless at the beautiful sight we'd be staying at.

"Like what you see?" Edward asked. It was the first time I'd heard him talk, and he was looking at us with his same expression as always, like a rock. But this time he had a slight smirk was threatening to appear on his face.

Somehow we managed to stutter out a combination of yes and just muttering about how amazing it was. 

"C'mon let head in side girls!" Avery said grabbing one of my bags and waving us over to the beach house.

Edward said "I'll be heading inside to tidy up the house." and before he could answer he was waling into the other mansion.

I grabbed my larger suitcase and dragged it behind Averyr, following her to the house. The girls follow behind me still in awe at the place.

As we got closer to the house, I realized just how big it was. It was large enough to fit a large group of people, and I could tell that just by looking at it from the outside. It was smaller than the mansion but just as mind blowing. 

The house was painted light blue and white on the outside and it was a beautiful design. There were flowers all over the place and a large front porch with chairs that matched the blue theme facing the ocean. I walked up the porch and opened the door, andI hear the rest of the girls walk in. I'd never seen such a deluxe house, I felt like I was dreaming. I saw the other girls walk up next to me, their face expressions mirroring mine.

I was soon out of my daydream when Avery said, ''well I have to ruin you ladies lovely daydreaming time, but I suggest you hurry and pick your rooms before our other guests get here"

At this I shook my self out of my trance and asked "what guests?"

"Oh just some group dad's working with over the summer. He has the recording studio in here and he thought it's be fun if we got to know them" she replied smiling and shrugging her shoulders.

"You're kidding me right?! They're staying the whole summer with us?"

"Yeah pretty much. But you girls will have to pair up in rooms with each other so they can also share their rooms. The rooms are pretty big but I figured you guys wouldn't mind sharing a bed right?"

Molly spoke up "yeah me and Saige will share so Cher and Crys can share"

I nodded, "so when do we pick out our rooms?"

"Now I guess! Bring your bags ladies and welcome to paradise." Avery said leading us upstairs.





Cher and Saige were yelling at each other trying to decide who got the bigger room.

Same mistakes (One Direction Fanfiction)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora