Chapter 29

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*Hey guys... Some really awful stuff has been happening and I'll try to update as soon as I can. Well, here's the next chapter. Love y'all <3*




*Crys's POV*

I sat down on the couch, resting my head in my hands. I felt the couch sink down and a hand rub my back in comfort. 

The other four boys were yelling at me for being irresponsible and stupid for trying to do something like that. 

"You could've gotten killed!" Liam exclaimed. 

"Hey she knew what she was doing! She's fine now and that's all that matters now." Niall defended me after seeing me getting kinda worked up about them yelling. 

"Not your smartest move ever Crys, but at least you're fine, and you won." Harry added.

I looked up and nodded. "Wanna get to bed?" Niall asked, still rubbing my back. "Yeah please" I said weakly, still kinda tired to fight back or resist. 

Niall picked me up and wrapped my legs around his waist, placing his hands under my legs carefully avoiding hitting a spot that could hurt. I rested my head on his shoulder and looked over it at the boys.

"Night guys, I'll see you in the morning" I said groggily. I faintly heard a chorus of "bye's" and "goodnights"

Niall used his back to open the door in my room and he placed me on my bed. "Do you want to change?" he asked. 

"Mhmm.. can you get my pajamas?" I asked yawning. 

He nodded smiling and grabbed the pajamas that I had on a rack in my closet. He handed them to me and sat ont he edge of the bed. "Babe, I gotta change" I said slowly sitting up.

"Oh yeah! Right..." he walked out of the room and waited outside the door as I changed. 

"Done Ni, you can come in" I announced. He opened the door and peeked in, then walked in shutting the door behind me. "Come snuggle?" I asked groggily.

He chuckled and laid next to me and wrapped his arms around my waist. "What do you want to do tomorrow?- Wait" he picked me up gently and placed me between my legs. He held my hands and wrapped them around my waist, putting his chin on my shoulder. 

"I don't know, can we go out in the morning for breakfast at iHop?" I asked as he snuggled his nose into my neck. 

"Of course. I'm kinda tired babe, can I go back to my room now?" he asked. 

"No. Stay. Can you sleep here tonight?" I begged, putting my lip out. I felt him smile "Sure thing." 

He laid me back down and pressed my back against his chest. Our legs entwined, and he took a breath to talk and then stopped. "What?" I asked.

"Uh, are you, well comfortable with this?" he asked hesitantly. 

I thought about it, it's funny. It actually hadn't really felt out of place.... would it be too cheesy for me to say that it felt, right? Yeah. No... way too cheesy.

"Crys?" I snapped out of my thoughts and prepared my answer. "I think I am... It's weird because we haven't known each other that long, this feels right.... but..." 

I turned around to face him, and his arms loosened up around my waist "But what?" he asked nervously. 

"I think maybe we rushed this a little, or a lot. I usually wouldn't have dated someone unless I knew them for a really long time. You, you were different and being in your arms felt right yano? Oh fuck-" I cut myself off. 

Same mistakes (One Direction Fanfiction)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz