Chapter 6

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I looked up and saw the eyes of the one and only Niall Horan.

"Crystal?" He said, but it came out more as a statement than a question.

"Congrats you remembered. If its a problem I can go sit somewhere else."

"No!" He said a little to quickly "that's fine I'll sit here.

"Whatever floats your boat"

"Isn't that an American expression? I thought you were British you have a London accent"

"I am British but I've lived here long enough to catch on to some sayings."

"Oh that's really cool. London?"

"Precisely." I answered doing my best to cover up the fact that I was annoyed.

"I like your accent it's very cute" he said quietly and as I turned around to look at him he avoided my eyes.

"Thanks Irish man. Means lots" I replied sarcastically, although it came out a lot harsher than I intended it to.

"Sorry..." He mumbled

He was now situated in his window seat and he leaned his head against a pillow he had pulled out.

"So what are you doing going to California?" He asked, apparently he was determined to make this flight as long as possible.

"Going to visit my dad" I said bluntly, and I thought I made it quite obvious I wasn't in the mood for talking but Niall being his oblivious self didn't notice.

"Cool!" He said grinning, happy he had gotten me to answer. "I'm recording a new album and staying at a beach house with my bosses family"

"Sounds fun"

"Sure is."

He reached under his seat and pulled out a huge bag, I was amazed that it fit under there. He rummaged through it and pulled out three sandwiches, a burger, two cokes and two bags of chips.

"Want some?" He asked.

Taking advantage of the fact that he was being kind and offering food, I said "sure if you don't mind"

He smiled and handed me a sandwich, coke and chips. He took two sandwiches and a burger for himself.

"All that huh? You eat a lot I assume." I asked in shock that such a fit skinny man could eat that much.

"Yeah I guess. If that sandwich is too much for you i'll take half." He said.

"Too much? Wow you underestimate me." I said with a sigh.

The sandwiches were foot longs, and I could probably eat about five of them in 15 minutes and still be hungry after that; all while not gaining half a pound.

I unwrapped my sandwich and began to eat it, not bothered at all by the pair of blue eyes I could feel staring at me.

In a matter of minutes I had devoured the sandwich and began throwing away the wrapper.

"Wow.. That was impressive. Most girls barely pick at their food." Niall said obviously in complete shock. "And I thought I ate a lot..." He added with a laugh.

His laugh was very loud, but angelic at the same time. It was very adorable, not what you'd expect from someone like him.

"What can I say, I'm amazing" I said with a giggle.

"Want another one?" He asked, testing to see how I'd react.

"I thought you'd never ask..."


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