"Regina, you named him..." I nodded and cupped my son's chin, returning my gaze to my father. "Of course, it's because of you that I got him." I said smiling. "But my dear I thought that you couldn't have children?" My father whispered, I nodded and looked at Henry, then Emma. "I adopted him." I said grinning, Emma just smiled from the counter and lead her mother out of the room.

"I think I am going to go and stay at Granny's." My father said, giving me a kiss on the cheek before he stood and walked out of the loft. The hole in my chest started to feel better, I just hoped that he didn't remember me killing him.

I stood up and went to reach for a glass of wine when nausea made me double over and vomit into the trash. "Regina?" Emma said coming downstairs, I just brushed her off and continued throwing up into the garbage can.

"Yes Swan?" I croaked, she just stood back and grabbed some ginger ale from the refrigerator and handed it to me. "I think I got food poisoning." I said sitting down on the couch, taking a small sip of the bubbly beverage, it only making me more sick.

"Guess so." She muttered, I hunched over and started puking into the wastebasket that she brought over to me. "Do you think you can watch Henry? I don't want any of you or the baby catching this." I groaned, she nodded and helped me up, my knees buckled and I grabbed onto her, my head spinning again.

"Okay, I'm taking you home." She stated, nearly dragging me out of the door.

As she drove I retched every time she hit a bump in the road, thankfully she reached my mansion and helped me upstairs into my bedroom. I didn't bother changing, I just collapsed in bed and hunched over the bed into the garbage can. "Regina are you sure you want to stay here by yourself?" Emma asked, I couldn't speak while I retched so I just nodded and shooed her away. "Okay, I'm going to go now, feel better." Emma said placing a new bottle of ginger ale on my nightstand, along with a large glass of water.

"Drink this, you don't want to get dehydrated, that's bad." She said sitting me up and handing me the glass, I took it and tried to sip some of it, only able to keep down small amounts at a time. "Thanks Swan." I groaned as she walked out of the room, she just smirked at me and nodded before leaving.

I tried to sleep but the sickness was ruthless, I couldn't even think about consuming water at the rate I was vomiting at.

I felt tears stream down my face while I got sick in my bathroom, I wanted Robin to come and hold me while I puked my guts out. A sharp pain started piercing my head and neck, making me sensitive to everything, light, sound, movement.

When I went to get sick again the movement and strain on my body made me whimper in agony.

"Regina!" Emma cried, Snow ran over and gingerly held my hair back while I got sick, gently rubbing circles on my bony back. I groaned when I finished, I felt weak and in complete agony, the fluorescent lights streaming through the door made me groan and curl into myself.

"Mom we have to take her, this is not food poisoning!" Emma said helping me up, my legs couldn't hold my body weight so they started to crumple under me, both her and her mother grabbed onto me and whisked me downstairs into that stupid yellow bug.

Snow White

I gripped the chair as Emma sped down the street towards the hospital, Regina was vomiting in the backseat, eventually she had nothing left in her stomach to hurl, so she was just gagging in the backseat.

Emma pulled in and screeched up to the front doors. "Go get a wheelchair." I said quietly, I knew Regina hated being fussed over but she was in rough shape.

A nurse wheeled her inside while Emma went to go park the car. "Ms. Mills how long have you been feeling like this?" She asked Regina while she hooked her up to an IV, she groaned as she pricked her hand with the needle, placing some tape over it on her bony hand.

"Uh about a week, I've been getting nauseous when I smell certain things, and I've been getting dizzy. I think I might have a bug or a virus." She said keeping her eyes shut, the nurse nodded and exited the room quietly.

I sighed and stood up when the nurse returned with a bunch of needles and test tubes. "I am going to have to take some blood samples." She said flatly, I saw Regina's eyes fly open and her eyes shoot over to the needles on the tray.

"Please sit over here." She said pointing to the special chair in the corner, Regina swallowed and looked at the chair in fear. "Come on." I said nudging her, she gently scooted off of the exam table and sat down with her IV hooked in her arm.

"Hold out your arm." The nurse requested with a twinge of annoyance at Regina's fright, she complied and stuck her arm out, the woman tied a band around her arm and placed a squishy ball in her hand. I saw Regina's eyes widened as she got closer to her vein with the needle.

"Hey, don't look." I said getting her attention, she looked over at me and tensed when she felt the needle prick her.

"Okay you're done. Just wait here for your results." The nurse said sighing and disposing the needles into the hazard container. Regina gulped and nodded, still the expression of worry present in her eyes.

"You're going to be fine." I said smiling at her, she just took a deep breath and crossed her legs, rubbing her head that was probably pounding.

There was a knock at the door and a shorter, younger woman came inside with a large smile on her face.

"Hello Regina, I'm Eva Zambrano. I work in Obstetrics and Gynecology, I'm here to discuss your test results with you. I saw Regina's eyes enlarge into saucers and a choking noise come out of her mouth.

"What? That's not possible, I'm sterile." She said giving her an accusing look, she pulled out her labs and handed them to her, shrugging her shoulders.

"I don't think so Regina, you're definitely pregnant."

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