"Are you safe?"

"Yes I'm fine . I'm safe . I'm grown as fuck . I'm a big ass girl . I'm fine!" I stressed .

I heard chuckling in the background .

"What's funny?"

"Nothing . We have someone that we want you to meet."


"Someone . Just meet us at my place at 5."

"Du-" the phone disconnected .

I looked at the phone in disbelief .

"Bitch." I mumbled as I sat my phone down and began eating .

"When we're done , we're going to my pops." Marion stated .


After we was done , we was off to his fathers' house . It was mid August and for some reason it sorta chilly outside . Bipolar ass weather .

When we pulled up , I was completely amazed . The house was a beautiful mansion .

"Damn." I mumbled .

Marion chuckled . "Come on." He grabbed my hand and I followed him to the door .

He begin to beat on the door rapidly and harshly .

"Come on OG! It's cold as shit out here!" He yelled .

Soon after the door opened to a similar looking Marion at the door . The only difference is that the man was darker and taller .

"See technically , shit can't get cold . If they can , there's something wrong with you but come on in before your balls begin to freeze and your girl's nipples begin to shrivel."

Weird ass .

"Whatever , this is Brooklyn . Brooklyn this is my dad." Marion introduced us .

"How you doing darling?" He said as he hugged me .

"I'm fine . You?" I smiled .

"Never been better."

His smile was the same as Marion . It was welcoming and just plain beautiful to me .

We stayed there for hours . Just by conversing with his dad , I've gotten to know Marion a little more .

"She knows about your occupation?" His dad asked .

He scoffed , "I'm glad she do."

"If she didn't , you know you could lie faster than a damn bull running into the interstate. You could've said you worked for me or some shit." He rolled his eyes .

I giggled.


"No dad . I'm not letting her get involved in this. She's not about it."

I didn't know if I should feel offended or what . But I know I'm not up to part but that's okay . Easiest way to not end up in jail is to not to do dumb shit.

"So what I'm doing is dumb?" Marion asked . I looked up to see their eyes on me .

"Oh . I didn't know I said that out loud but yea , what you're doing is dumb shit." I stated .

"Girl girl girl." His dad rambled .

I think he got offended but I don't care .

"Well we got to get going . I have to meet my brothers." I said standing up.

"I want to meet your family." Marion and his dad said in unison .

"Uh . I don't want to come off rude or anything but I'm not ready for you guys to meet them." I stated truthfully .

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