maths // ayato ; reiji ; subaru

Start from the beginning

"Now, try solving this question. It's pretty easy." Reiji says, giving the three of you an easy question.

5(X²- 6x + 4) - 3(2x²+ 2x - 1) = ?

"I don't know!" Subaru shouts and slams his fist on the table.

"I can't do this!" Ayato exclaims before even trying.

"Um.... here?" You feel bad for Reiji so you try your best, handing him your work.

Your Answer :
5(X²- 6x + 4) - 3(2x²+ 2x - 1)
= (10x - 30x + 20) - (12x + 6x - 3)
= -20x + 20 - 18x - 3
= -20x - 18x + 20 - 3
= -2x + 17

Reiji sighs, "[Y/N], you got it wrong again."

"Ehh? How come!?"

"Ayato, Subaru, why don't the two of you try it? He asks.

"Troublesome." Ayato and Subaru answer in unison.

"Good grief..." He is on the brink of giving up, "Alright, [Y/N], this is how you do it."

Reiji's Answer :
5(X²- 6x + 4) - 3(2x²+ 2x - 1)
= (5x² - 30x + 20) - (6x² - 6x + 1)
= 5x² - 6x² - 30x - 6x + 20 + 1
= -x² - 36x + 21

"Do you understand my explanation?" Reiji questions.

"Hm..." You ponder over it for awhile before replying, "Yeah, I understand!"

"Then, do this." Reiji says, handing you a similar question.


"[Y/N], it's all wrong! I thought you understand already?"

"Eh!? But-but--!"

Reiji face-palms, "This is ridiculous..."

"Just leave it be, Reiji." Ayato says, a bored expression on his face.

"Yeah, you're wasting my time." Subaru rolls his eyes.

"No, I will teach the three of you how to do this Algebra in the most simplest way, I'm sure all of you will get it this time." Reiji says with a smirk on his face.

*An Hour Later*

"It's easy, right?" He asks, still with the smirk.

The three of you nod.

"Now that you pathetic vampires and useless human understand, do this."


"What's taking so long?" Reiji asks.

He takes a look at Ayato's sheet and finds... Ayato doodling a bunch of Takoyakis on his paper. He clenches his fist, holding down the urge to smack his younger brother, "Ayato....!"

And Subaru... He has been scribbling on the paper, not a single writing can be seen again that way and he's almost falling asleep.

"Just what are you doing?" He sighs.

"What about you, [Y/N]?" He asked, taking a look on your paper.

Gray Fullbuster❤︎
Sting Eucliffe~ ^▿^

Ice Make CANON!!!
Bam!!! Woosh!!! Wuaaa!!!

Hakuryuu no HOLY BREATHE!!!
Wuushhh!!! Bosshhh!! Wiii!!!

You look up to see Reiji glaring a hole into you, "R-Reiji?"


"Should I punish you?" He growls, a sadistic smirk manifested on his face, sending shivers down your spine.

"U-Um, I--"

In within a second, he has both of your wrists held in his hand. You hold back a whimper after a stinging sensation appear on the base of your neck, his fangs inside your flesh.

"Oi, Reiji! What the hell are you doing!?" Ayato suddenly shouts.

Subaru gasps as he wakes up, "[Y/N]!"

Reiji retreats his fangs with a fulfilled sigh, "I guess, inviting you two was a mistake."

"What is that supposed to mean?" Subaru question in an angry manner.

"If only I had only invited [Y/N], I could have just punished her as much as I want." His cruel smirk resurfaces once again, unable to hold down the urge to do so.

"You bastard--! Chichinashi belongs to me!" Ayato shouts and pulls you away from Reiji.

"Did you heat that?" He whispers, his lips on top of your neck already, "You belong to me."

A pained moan leaves your lips, holding onto his clothes to help take your mind away from the pain.

"Fuck no, her blood is mine!" Subaru growls but he figures he can't just rip you away from Ayato so the youngest grabs your hand and bites into your wrist.

"How vulgar." Reiji mutters, pushing his glasses back into the bridge of his nose.


"Since [Y/N] has fainted, she can't afford to continue this lesson." Reiji says, "But I can't say the same for you two."

Subaru and Ayato groan.

"Try solving this question!"


This was made a day before my math test, I was so frustrated back then but the good thing is that it inspired me to make this~

AND YAY! Last one of the Privated Chapters! Now I can move on and update things I've been working on \(^o^)/


Published On: 20/09/15 | 14:19
Edited On: 05/07/17 | 22:55

Extra Note:
I'm really sorry about the mistake in Reiji's answer before. I wrote this when I was in Grade 7 and I couldn't even understand algebra then XD But I'm entering high school now and even though my answer's not always correct, I'm not as terrible as I was 2 years ago XD


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