I'm on the bed jolted by the night mare that I seem to have had for few days now...this time I saw the silhouette's face. It was non other than that criminal Raftar ....

     Im in this situation because of you -wolfie !Ill make sure you and that Scooby gang of your will pay for the rest of your life.

      Determined to my plans I get up to do wudu then pray fajr . Then again go back to sleep and wake up at 7:45 .
I brush then shower then wear a pale pink jump suit with studs and off white hijab that suits my dress. I put on  my watch then take my book bag and go down stairs.

      "Khushbu , your breakfast is on table eat quickly... You'll get late " she says but I don't reply I grab the sandwich she prepared for me .Taking a bite of my sandwich I step out of house without saying a goodbye .After what she did and said yesterday Im not so easily giving in they will have to know how bad they hurt me.

      I take a deep breath and step out of lawn on the side walk when a dark big hand stops me .

    What the hell??!!

      I look up to see who it is and.....

Ya Allah! He's no big than a hulk!!

     "Excuse me?" I say giving him a wary look.and gulp looking at his biceps.
     " sorry ,these are bhai's orders. You are under no condition to leave house without his orders." He says with a poker face .

        This makes me fume with anger.
I'm not a puppet! I'll see who will stop me . So what he is a mafia freaking boss!
    I'm khushbu! Khushbu Ahmed!

  I step around him and just lift my right leg to move forward when the same Hulk stand in my way with his hands on his hips but now with a scary look.


"Please Bhabi don't make this hard for us I have to report to Bhai and he will shoot me !" He says .

    Now I'm completely pissed off !!!

How dare he call me bhabhi!!!

" look hulkee !! You and your 'bhai'" I say Bhai  showing cotation marks with my fingers "can go to Jahannum for all that I care! Tell your mutt face jackass Wolfe mafia boss that he messed up with a wrong person! " I yell at his face and was about to turn but again faced him and said "And do not ever call me Bhabi" then I throw the sandwich on his face and turn around.

I get into the house and shut the door very hardly with a bang sound making the door frame rattle.

     I turn around with a scowl on my face to see ammi , abbu and Bhai sitting on sofa giving me death glares.

    "What?? Don't give me that look! Your lovingly son-in law doesn't want me to go to college so that's not my mistake! " I yell at them then quickly go to my room and shut the door.
     Now he won't even allow me to go to college!!

     Douche bag!!

Now how Iam I going to college??

      I sit on bed trying to plan on how to escape from that Scooby hand and get to college when I get a call, its from Fatima .

   "Hello,khushbu where are you?" She asks me with worry in her voice.

" um-yeah I'll come late you go "I say and hang up before she asks me to give an explanation.I dint tell her and my whole gang about the marriage thing. 

Idea!!!!  Suddenly an idea pops .

Ya Allah !!thank you so much !!!

    I quickly open the door and peek out to check if some one is out... I don't want anyone to catch me red handed and report to Wolfe so I take my book bag and tip toe out of my room and go to terrace with my slippers in my hand . I wear my slippers once I reach the  terrace then jump to the other side of wall which is nearly 2 ft high . Now I'm in mehram's apartment my neighbour .I quickly take the lift and get out of the building .

     I slowly peek around if anyone saw me . Thankfully the Scooby gang was busy and dint notice so I snuck out and reached the bus stand.

    I surely won't attend the first period .

  Till I reached my collage the first period was already done and  professor was leaving the class so I quickly went inside and sat beside Fatima .

  Fatima , fariha,shaheen and faiza were all giving me puzzled looks and started asking questions. Till then Mr.Rafi my maths professor already started the class .

        I told Fatima ,Fariha shaheen and faiza about Bhai being gangster and Raftar and his gang following me and keeping tabs on me and the whole marriage thing.

   " Remember when I said I have the feeling of some one stalking me " I whispered to them .

Fatima gave me a ohhh with her eyes wide.
" yeah and those guys in black uniforms and-" she was saying when Mr.Rafi came to our desk and checked our notes . we obviously dint write anything .so he asked us to leave the class .

   " we are sorry sir" faiza pleads .
" I Said get out now" with no argument voice . so instead of getting ourselfs insulted we get out of class and stand outside.

    We see each other faces and start giggling till I find a hand on my shoulder.

* hey lovelies!! A very long chap for you..

Hmm .. seems like khushbu is a tough one . Let's see who backs out first our bubbly khushbu or our Mr.Wolfie mafia...

I really hope you like the chapter so please like and comment!!!




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