Chapter 11

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Jacks POV

Carter and Hayes should be home any minute. Time to give them a piece of my mind. There will always be consequences for doing anything to my girl.

"Hi Carter and Hayes, how was school?"

"Um, it was fine I guess."

"It was great."

"Do you know why Abby came home today?"

"Abby came home today?"

"I had no idea."

"Well it was because of kayla and these two boys that were hanging with her and I think their names were Carter and Hayes. Wait that is you. What the hell is your problem? You know how much she has been hurt and I don't know how much longer she can take. She is suicidal if you didn't know and I don't want to lose her, she means the world to me. If anything ever happens again, ever you will be kicked out of this house, it is legally mine and I will beat your ass till I practically kill you.  I don't want to hear a word from you."

The boys faces were priceless. I wasn't kidding about a word I said. She is suicidal and I really do not know how much longer she can last. Honestly, honestly she's means the world to me.

Abby's POV

I heard every word dad said about me to Carter and Hayes. I can't believe he loved me so much. Nobody has loved me this way besides my parents and Matt. I couldn't hold it in anymore. I ran and jumped into his arms. I felt safe and wanted there. Nobody could say anything or do anything. The moment seemed so cliche, but I don't care.

"Who let a fan in the house?"

"Haha your so funny Matt. I love you Abby."

"I love you too dad."

"I am expecting a hug like that from you also."


"I have looked into online school and found a great school. Abby, Matt, Nash, Aaron, Shawn, Taylor, mahogany, and Jacob you are the newest students!"

"What about us?"

"I don't know figure it out yourself. I plan on doing nothing for you, your lucky you live here still."

"Abby what do you want for dinner?"

"Can we get Taco Bell? I am in need of some Taco Bell."


Taco Bell is a frequent stop for us. Everyone loves it. I have never heard of it until I moved in with mahogany and the boys. Now it is my favorite fast food place to eat.


Everybody except Carter and Hayes piled in the car. I sat in the very back row of the car next to jack and Matt with Brooke on my lap.

I clicked my seat belt over both me and Brooke. We have 11 seats and there is 12 of us. Normally there is 14 and we had to take 2 cars, but Carter and Hayes aren't coming and I don't count them for anything anymore.

When we arrived everyone threw t out of the car inside. They really do love Taco Bell. I came out of the car with Brooke.When I walked in the boys already had 3 trays filled with tacos.

"I wasn't gone that long. What did I miss?"

"Everything babe, everything. Don't worry we ordered you and Brooke food that would be pure mean if we didn't."

"Well thanks Matt, you are very nice."


Sorry short and crappy chapter. I have had tons and tons of school work lately. It's hard to keep up with both school and wattpad. Please vote and comment. Check out my Twitter x_magcon_o2l_x

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